Sophia Lills ~ Church Part 2

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"Come, we getting the hell out of this hellhole," I say to Sophia grabbing her hand and dragging her out the bathroom stall,
"Ya, this bathroom stinks," Sophia says getting up.
"No, I mean we getting out of this church, I can't deal with how they treating you, how they expect me to hate you." I say as we run out the bathroom, we run though the church halls and outside into the fresh air, but I don't stop I keep pulling her along until we reach the forest.
I stop running at this point.
  "Where are... we going?" Sophia asks catching her breath. 
  "Just trust me, come on!" I say taking her hand again and pulling her into the forest, after about five minutes we come to a pretty little strim and we both sit down .
"This is gorgeous," Sophia says looking up at the sunlight streaming through the trees.
  "Your gorgeous," I mumble looking at her.
She laughs, "careful there, don't want anyone thinking your queer," her usually sweet voice replaced with bitterness.
"Sophia," I say softly, "I don't care if I rot in hell for this because some people are worth rotting for,"
I lean in and plant a small kiss on her lips.
We both smile butterflies erupting in our stomachs.
"at least we will go to hell together," I say
"Then hell will be like heaven," Sophia says

Writers block on this one 😬

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