Finn Wolfhard ~ The Project Part 2

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haha, I am doing a part 2 your welcome guys. :)

You decide to change quickly, before going to Milky way because I mean who doesn't after school?

You go with a plain black shirt, shorts, a red flannel ( I literally had to google what it was called ) And some plain black converse. You grab your phone and backpack along with $10, Then tie up your hair in a messy bun and walk downstairs, "mum, I am just meeting a friend at Milky way for a project, I should only be 2 hours, but I will text you if I take longer for some reason." "Okay, love just be back by seven." your mom says to you. "Thanks, mum bye!" You say running out the door and down the street, when you arrive at Milky way you see Finn sitting in the window, you smile he looks kinda cute, you think to yourself, wait no I can't be falling for Finn, can I?

You shake this off and walk inside, "Hey!" You say sitting down across from him, "so you have any ideas about this project?"

"None so far, I mean I don't now why they made this a group project, it's not like we going to have the same Ideals."

"Can I help you?" ask a Waitress "Uh yes, one Chocolate ice cream and you want he say's looking at you ( you order your favourite flavour ) okay that's all, thanks he says." when the waitress leaves, you ask Finn, "who is your idol anyway? "  "dunno Probably Winona Rider" ( I don't know who his real idol is if you know tell me and I will change it )

"Oh, That's awesome!" You say, "in all honesty, mine is probably Sophia Lills I mean she is so pretty, really nice and such a talented actor." "Oh, that's awesome, ya, she is really nice and super talented," he says, "you know, maybe I could get her to write something for the project?"

" Seriously?" You ask getting excited, you really love Sophia and can't Belive she might actually help you with a project.

" Ya totally, she will definitely help," he says grinning at your excitement.

Just then your ice- cream comes. "Ahh, thanks so much!" you say smiling at the waitress, you look at Finn who is busy texting Sophia. when he finishes you both start eating your ice-cream and talk about the project after about 20 minutes, then Finn's phone goes, "oh it's from Sophia," he says you stand up and walk over to sit next to him so you can read the text, as you sit down you bump his arm and get goose bumps, but brush it off.

Finn's message read:

Finn: Hey Sophia! My friend and I are doing a project on Idols and you're her Idol, so I was wondering if maybe you could help with the project somehow, like if we have any questions we could ask you and maybe you could say something for it? miss you! x

And Sophia Reply was:

Sophia: Hey Finn! yes, sure I will help you with you and your friend's project, maybe I could do like a video part or something for it? Miss you 2! Xx

Sophia: give me her number so we can talk, she sounds really sweet.

"Oh my God Sophia Lills wants to talk to me?" You basically scream getting a strange look from the table next to me.

Finn giggles, " I take it it's okay, if I give her your number?"

" Hells ya!" you scream He laughs, then you get a Notification

Unknown number: Hey Y/N this is Sophia. XX

you squeal and Finn smiles at me.

Finn and you text Sophia for awhile and you can't help but wonder what they talking about.

"Just going to the bathroom," Finn says smiling and putting his phone down on the table, you stand up and let him though after he leaves his phone vibrates and you look up its a message from Sophia

Sophia: Dude if you like Y/N so much then just ask her out, she seems really nice!

Oh, my god, Finn likes me? You think to yourself and you can't help but smile.

He come's back from the bathroom and you move up and let him sit back down next to you, Finn reads Sophias message you watch him out the corner of you eye as he breaths in slowly and exhales then he looks at you, "um Y/N I was thinking if, you know, maybe sometime you would like to maybe go out with me?" he asks.

You smile at him, "Yes, I would love that," you say back.

he smiles, I going on a date with Finn Wolfhard, Finn Freak en Wolfhard. you think to yourself giggling.

Hey, guy!

I hope you enjoyed the second part to Finn Freak en Wolfhard's story, if you ask for anymore I am going to have to write a separate book! on the subject of books. I am super excited to announce that I have just realised a Stranger things Book called Insane! so you should totally go read that!


I love you guys! 💓

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