Dustin henderson ~ Snowball

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I think it would be an honor to dance with Dustin.

I walk through the doors into the gym, looking around at all the people dancing and having fun.
I sigh and walkover to the snack table feeling really out of place, I watch as everyone else seems to be having loads of fun, I grab a handful off chocolate and walked over to the benches, I sit and eat my chocolate regretting coming.
A boy catches my eye, he has hair that's looks like he spent and hour on it, it's adorable.
I watch as he sees his friends walk off dancing a look of pure pain in his face, I feel my heart sink for him, he obviously liked the girl. He says something to the friend next to him and forces a smile he adjusts his jacket and walks towards a group of girls, I watch as they laugh at him.
My heart aches again and again for him as he repeatedly tries to get a girl to dance with him, he stands in the middle of floor watching as everyone around him seems happy.
I stand up, dust of my dress I then walk over to the boy, I tap him on the shoulder and he turns around, I smile releasing we have science together.
   "Can I have this dance?" I ask,
"Really? You want to dance with me?" Dustin says
"It would be an honor,"  i say putting my hand on his shoulder.
He blushes as he places his hands on my waist, and we slowly start to dance.
  "We have science together?" He asks me.
"Ya, I reply, I'm Te, I sit 3 rows behind you."
"I'm Dustin," he says, as I adjust my arms on his shoulders.
"Nice to meet you Dustin,"
I feel his emotion and I smile knowing he likes me is happy, i smile even more when the emotion of everybody else's in the room is happy. I can feel everyone ones emotion, it's might sound strange but it's true, I can feel emotion. My names Te, short for ten.

Plot twist that doesn't really work but oh well.

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