Eddie kaspbrak ~ new girl

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I walk around Derry looking at the shops, and wishing that we didn't have to moved to this stupid town, we've only been here a week and already I feel myself sliping to into a depression. Derry's not like most towns.
I find a small little antic store and walk inside, it's a strange shop filled with a whole bunch of porcelain dolls, a few of them clowns. I shiver.
Suddenly I hear a bang from outside I spin around and peep through the dirty shop window. There's a bunch of older boys and a smaller boys on the ground, he's tiny (fight me) but I've seen him at school and he's in my grade.
I watch as one of the boys kick him.
I clasp my hands over my mouth to contain a scream I then run outside and around the back where I saw them.
"Stop," I screen at them as I try to push the taller boy off the smaller one, but being small built myself he doesn't budge.
He laughs, "What you gonna do?" He says in a teasing voice that raises the hair in the back of my neck.
"Leave him alone," I say looking up at his face, I recognize him after a moment, he's bowers,  my dad knows his father who works down the police station.
"Or I'll talk you dad about this, bowers," I say I watch his face drop, I guess he's never been threatened by a kid before.
"Lets go" he says to the boys behind him,
"Bu-" one of the boys starts to say,
"I said let's go," Bowers shouts he pushes past me, and bends down by the boys ear, "we not done with you," he snarls.
As soon as they out of sight I crouch down next to the boy,
"Are you okay?" I ask staring at him worriedly.
He nods keeping his hands over his ribs.
"Let me see," I say, he shakes his head, "I promise I won't hurt you," I add tenderly.
I eventually persuaded him to let me take a look, I gently lift his shirt.
A gasp leaves my mouth when I see his black and purple ribs, they look like they darkening by the second.
"Is it that b-bad?" He asks his voice husky from the pain.
I shake my head. "You'll be fine, nothing's broken," I help him sit up his face scrunching up in pain, "what's you name?" I ask him.
"I'm Eddie, Eddie kaspbrak," he says
"'Where do you live," I ask, looking at his freckles sprinkled across his nose.
"Just up the road, but I can't go back, my mum would kill me,"
"What do you want to do?"/I ask
"Can we just sit here a bit, please?" I nod and sit down next to him, our backs pressing against the wall.
"Your the new girl right?" asks
"Ya, we moved here a week ago,"
"Welcome to Derry," he says sarcastically.
"Everyone's strange here," I say absentmindedly pulling out pieces of grass.
"You know what they say, Derry's not like most places, but if you stick with us you'll be okay,"
"Us?" I ask confused.
"Me and my friends, we called the losers club, name given to us by bowers, you what in?"
I Nod looking at him smile, "I want in,"

Requested and plot by @BeepBeepBitchie

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