Wyatt Oleff ~ Doctor

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Ahh I love Wyatt's Dimples they give me life

You walk down the road to the Bus station with your skateboard and best friends skateboard under your arms, plus you have your suitcase and her huge backpack that you are trying to pull along, you mentally curse your friend for suggesting she should run ahead and get ice cream for the both of you, but ice cream does sound good right now. ( if you haven't noticed I really love ice cream )

You struggle down the road and turn a sharp corner walking straight into a guy with a bicycle, you both go flying and you land face first on the hard concrete, ouch you say as you stand up and touch you bleeding chin.        "Oh my god are you okay?" you hear a voice from behind you
   "Ya,"you say turning around. "I just cut my ch- " you start to say, but then you notice who you talking to.

Wyatt, Wyatt oleff from scorpion, Wyatt Oleff who is going to play Stan the man in the new IT movie.
      "Oh no, you're not okay you bleeding!" Wyatt says standing up, you look down and notice his knee is bleeding,
     "Ah you bleeding too!" you moan pointing to his knee he looks down and then back at you.
    "Yours is worse, I think I have a plaster," he says picking up his backpack, which had landed in a bush, he opens the front pocket and pulls out a tissue and some plasters, he then walks over to you and gently grabs you under the chin, this gives you goosebumps, he gently takes the tissues and dabs your wound you flinch slightly at the pain, but you enjoy being this close to him, he smells really good a mixture of cologne and baby powder ( ahh baby powder is bomb )

he then places a big plaster over your chin,       "Thanks, doctor Wyatt" you laugh and blush a little. he frowns at you,
   "How do you know my nam?" he asks confused, "You'll float too" you say in a creepy voice. Which makes Wyatt laugh, "what's your name?" he asks you?

"I am Y/N," you say smiling. "Y/N." Wyatt repeats "that's really beautiful!"

"Thanks," you smile, "let's take a look at your knee now." you say making him sit down, you sit next to him and he hands you another tissue and plaster you then place his leg over your lap and gently dab it with the tissues and place a plaster over it like he did for you. "Thanks, Doctor Y/N," he says to you smiling. You giggle and then you both stand up, he helps you pick up all your bags, "where are you going with all this?" he asks as he lifts up your heavy suitcase. "Oh, a friend and I are going to spend a week at the Golden Coast Beach," ( it's a fictional beach )

"Haha very funny," he says rolling his eyes. "What's very funny?" you ask confused?

"You saw my snap chat story and now you're pretending you're going to the same beach as me. Now, where are you really going?"

You laugh actually, "I didn't see your snap chat story, and we are really going to Golden Coast," you say as a smile appears on your face.

"Really! Well, maybe we can hang out then?" he asks. "Ya, I think that would be awesome Doctor Wyatt," you say smiling from ear to ear.

Hey, Guys!

Hope you enjoyed Wyatt's story.

I am not sure if you guys actually want love stories or not? let me know!

Love you all!💓

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