Sadie sink ~ Liability

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This is some what inspired by Lords song Liability, but it hasn't quite got the same plot as the song. It's honestly my favorite song, it's pure and I think a lot of people can somewhat relate to it, I know I do.

Listen to the song first, maybe it will help understand.

I sit in the taxi, my eyes red from crying and mascara stains on my cheeks.
The taxi drives looks at me in the reaver view mirror not any sign of sypmthay in his eyes.
I turn my face in shame to look out the window, my baby's words still running though my mind. "Your poison, a liability, I'm done with you,"

"Where too?" The taxi driver asks, he's voice clearly irritated with my current state, but I understand, I'm a liability.

"53 Clover Avenue," I says as I wipe away the remaining tears.

I guess I'll go homes, into the arms of the girl that I love, the only love I have screwed up.

I pay him and Jump out the taxi. He drives away without another word, I sigh as I open the front door.

"Sadie?" I call as I make my way through the house to see the familiar red head sitting on my couch, I smile at the sight of her, she's so hard to please, but she a forest fire.

"What did he do now?" She asks with a sigh.

"You want to dance?" I ask

"Only if you want a good song," she says crossing her arms.

I run into the kitchen to find a speaker, I plug my phone in and play Mazzy Star fade into you. (another fav)
Sadie smiles and stand up, her long hair glimmering in the dull light and her eyes fierce but warm, like a fire on a cold day.

She gently places her arms over my shoulder and we start the sway gently to the music.
"I could just fade into you Sadie sink." I say

"They all just watch you disappear into the sun," said says as gently she strokes my cheek.

I stare into her eyes, feeling at peace in her arms.

But all that a stranger would see is one girl swaying alone, stroking her cheek

If I write like a personal diary/rant book would anyone read, I've asked before lol.

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