Mileven ~ Home

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So this is based off the charterers of stranger things, not the cast, I will not write fille, becomes Mille doesn't like it.

Mike woke up to the sound of the wind and rain beating against his window.
His first thought was Eleven
He had been thinking more and more of her lately, slowly slipping into a depression. No one had the heart to tell him El was probably dead, even though deep down Mike knew that was a huge possibility,

That didn't stop him from looking for her though.

Every night, when his parents were asleep, Mike would make his way down to the basement and slowly open the door, get on his bike and go off into the wood, for hours just calling her name, Often collapsing in a heap of tears over the Girl he loved.

No one understood their connection no one understood that after just a week of knowing the stranger girl he had fallen head over heels for her and the girl, in her strange way had fallen for him too.

Mike sighed looking at the heavy rain he wanted nothing more than to cuddle down under the warm duvet, but El, he thought she could be out there, in the cold.
So he got out of bed put on his warmest jacket and stuffed a big blue one in his back pack, just in case, grabbed a flash light and went into the kitchen, he then got a box of egos out of the freezer and shoved that in his bag too.

As soon as he had closed the basement door he jumped onto his bike and peddled down the road to the forest as fast as he could.

"Eleven!!"Mike screamed as he pulled his bike deeper and depose into the forest, "Eleven I have egos,!!"

"El!"he kept calling feeling tears start to form in his eyes.

"ELEVEN!" she screamed as loud as he could.

"Do You want to go to the snowball with me?" He whispered as the tears now streamed down his face.

There was a shuffle in the bush next to him, which made him jump up, frightened of what it could be.

"Mike?" he heard a weak voice mumble.

Mike's heart stopped that voice belonged to Eleven.
"El!" he called rushing into the bush, to find a very skinny, weak Eleven lying in there.

"I escape, Mike," she mutters

Mike pulled out his jacket and wrapped her up in it.

"Here, eat this," Mike said as he pulled out an egg for her, which she greedily took and shoved down her throat
"Mike?" she said after she finished the Eggo
"Yes, El?" he asked as he absents Mindedly stroked her now neck length hair.
"Snowball?" she asked
"I would never go with anyone else," he said hugging her tightly.
"Come on Let's get you home,"he said.

"Home." repeated El happily she was finally home

Ahhh! I want a Mike, I hope you enjoyed this sorry for mistakes, again, I am typing this on my mums iPad, hopefully, I can fix my laptop soon. Love you all ❤️

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