Millie Bobby Brown ~ Sleepover

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Hey, guys! I am thinking of starting a new book!

Anyway, I realised I haven't done any stories about my queen, I don't really like writing about the actors that much, I feel like I am invading their lives, I don't know, I think I might just make this about the charters let me know what you think in the comments!

also, this story is set just after season one, but you haven't seen Millie since before she started filming

I am sitting on my bed waiting for my best friend in the whole world to come over, she is spending the night with me and we have so much planned, I haven't seen her in so long because she has been so busy filming for stranger things.

There is a knock on the door, I scream, excitedly as I run down stairs. "Millie!" I shout as I open the front door giving her huge hug, "Y/N!" She screams hugging me back. "Oh my god, it's been forever!"

We break apart and I grab her bag, we walk back inside, "Mum Millie's here!" I call, my mum comes running out the kitchen, "Millie, how good to see you it been too long!" She says giving her a hug, "it's really great to see you too Y/M/N!"

"Okay, mum stop hogging Millie," I say, laughing. "come, Mills, there is so much I want to know about filming, mum and I watched the first season, in one night, you were amazing."
I say to her as we walk up the stairs I Put her luggage down. "By the way, Mills you hair looks so incredible!" I say sitting next to her on the bed.

"Aw Thanks, Y/N you have no idea how scared I was to cut it off!"

"Okay, I have been dying to ask this question how was the kiss scene?" I ask wiggling my eyebrows.

"Y/N!" Millie screams laughing, "Finn is like my brother,"

"I know!" I giggle. "I'm just messing with you."

"I missed you Y/N." Millie says.

"I missed you too," I say smiling at my best friend.

This is what happens you write when you have a writer's block guys! I need ideas, ah!

Also, I just want to give a huge shout out to FandomKinkyBitch for voting on my stories I really appreciate it, I am so sorry for my DMS, I don't know how to have a conversation, anyway, if guys want to read some really good fan fiction go cheek her out!

thanks for reading!

love you all!💓

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