Jack Dylan Grazer ~Skateboard

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I am in Love with Jack, Like literally, he makes me cry he is so amazing.

Jack comes running up to you, smiling from ear to ear.
   "Put this on and come with me," Jack says handing you a blind fold.
   "Hello, Jack, it's nice to see you too," You say Giggling.
   "Okay, It's nice to see you Y/N, now just put on the blind fold!" Jack moans.

    "Why?" You question.
   "Y/N just do it, please," Jack begs you. You sigh as you put on the blind fold. Jack grabs your hand and pulls you off the wall you were sitting on.
    "Jack, why did you tell me to meet you here, instead of at the skate park, where we usually meet?" You question as Jack leads you off to heaven knows where.

    "Just trust me, okay?" Jack says. you smile to your self.
    "Okay," you mumble. You would trust Jack with your life.
    "Hold on," Jack says. there are some steps leading down here. You hold onto Jacks Shoulders as you go down the steps.
    "Here we are, Okay sit down here," Jack says as he places you down on a bench.

   "Jack, are we at the skate park?Because I swear if you blind folded me and lead me here for no reason, I am going - " You get interrupted by Jack saying,
   "Take off your blind fold," you quickly take it off.
    "Jack, we are at the skate park," you moan.     
     "why did you take- " you start to say, but then you notice Jack has 2 skate boards in front of him, his old one and a brand new one.

     "You got a new skate board you shout standing up? that's so cool!,"
    "Actually I got you a skateboard," Jack says looking at you happily.

   "Wait? What!" you exclaim, shocked.
    "Jack, I haven't even skated before,"
     "I'm going to teach you," Jack says with a smirk on his face.
   "Do I get a choice in this?" you ask.


  "Thought so," You mumble walking over to Jack. 
    "But if you let me fall, I will kill you,"
Jack laughs
   "I promise I will look after you Y/N," You smile as Jack takes your hand and walks next to you while you try to balance, slowly he lets go of your hand and walks behind you, the skateboard is still moving from when he was holding your hand and pulling you, when suddenly the it hits a small rock, and you jerk backwards, about to fall when you feel a pair of hand grab you around the waist, you smile and look around to see Jack, who still has his arms around you.

You feel a blush creep onto your cheeks,
   "I told you I wouldn't let you fall," Jack  whispers, his face only inches away from yours.

Haha, you all hate me for this ending, I know, you are so welcome.

But I still love you all. Please comment if you want more ships on here or more of the cast that I have missed, or even cast that I have done already.

Hope you enjoyed 💓

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