Reddie ~ Crush

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"Richie, I wish you would tell be where we going!"
Eddie complains as Richie drags him down the road, it's about 10 P.M and Eddie should be home sleeping , but when you have a friend like Richie, you're never where your supposed to be, he's always taking you to new places.
"Come on Spaghetti boy, your gonna love it!" Richie says smirking down at the smaller  boy.
Eddie sighs pretending to be annoyed at the nickname, but truth be told, he loves it.
Richie can't know that, of course.
"Fine." Eddie mumbles
Richie grabs his hand and starts to run down the road, as fast as he dares holding onto the small boy, you see Eddie isn't like most, you can  take one look at him to know that, he's short, skinny, weak and suffers from terrible asthma.
Eddie feels a small blush creep onto his cheek and a warm feeling in his stomach, he would never admit it to anyone, but he's had a crush on Richie every since the day they met.
"Where is this place anyway?" Eddie huffs as he tries to keep up with Richie.
"You'll see, we almost there." Richie says smiling to himself.
"Okay close your eyes Eds." Eddie complains but does as Richie commands.
"No peaking, your promise?"
"Promise." Eddie says as Richie grabs his hand again leading him off to god knows where.
After about five minutes of stumbling around Richie stops.
"Okay Eddie, open." Richie says quietly. Eddie opens his eyes and grasps slightly. "Richie, you did all this for me?" Eddie says smiling happily at the picnic blanket spread out on a field and a basket of food. It wasn't much, but the fact that Richie had tried for Eddie made him feel like the luckiest boy alive.
" I know it's not much, I did have candles at first but, that would feel like to much of a date." Richie laughed
Eddie felt his heart sink a little of course this wasn't a date, Richie was straight.
"Ya, it would," Eddie says looking down.
" I know you've always wanted to start gaze and I wanted your first time I be with be." They walk over to the blanket and sit down.
"You want some Juice?" Richie asks.
"I'm good," Eddie says laying down and looking up at the night sky, it was the most beautiful think he had ever seen.
Well, the second most beautiful thing, I'm sure you can all guess what's first place in Eddies eyes.
Your right it's Richie Tozier, and they are going to have a lot more firsts together

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