Mike and Will

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Okay, I've wanted to make this one for so long, remember in Season two of stranger things when Mike tells Will about the first day they met? Well this is rant story! LAMO, I cried so hard during that part!!!

Do you remember the first day we met...
it was, it was the first day of kindergarten

Mike walks into the first day of kindergarten
His hand gripping his mums tightly
"Okay big boy," his mum says bending down to look at her small son.
"It time for me to go, but I'll be back for you in a few hours okay?"
Mike nods blinking back tears.
His mum kisses his forehead and then leaves the poor little boy by himself.
He walks around looking at everybody smiling and laughing

I knew nobody
I had no friends and I just felt so alone and so scared
But I saw you on the swings

Mike looks around and notices a small boy, playing on the swings he looked just as lonely as Mike did.

And you where alone, too
You where just swinging by yourself

Mike looks at the boy, he looked about his age, a little shorter and had the most adorable bowl cut not a hair out of place.

And I just walked up to you
And I asked.
I asked if you wanted to be my friend

And you said yes.
You said yes.

It was the best thing I've ever done

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