Dustleven ~ Love

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Hey, guys, I am not sure about this story, but I wanted to mix things up a bit, so let me know if you like it or not. 💓

"Will!" Dustin shouted as he and his friends walked through the forest looking for their lost friend.   "I got you Xmen 134!"

They walked through the forest shouting his name, as the rain soaked them through their Jackets

"Guys, I think we should go back now."

"Stop being a big baby," Lucas said rolling his eyes.

"I am not! I am just being realistic, do you not think something bad might have taken Will and we heading right to it?"

"Dustin shut up," Mike moaned

"I am just saying- "He started again, but was interrupted by Mike

"I said shut up!" and this time there was a shuffle in the bush next to them which made the boys jump.

They swung around, nothing there, then there was a rustle behind them much louder this time, they spun around and shone their torches on a frightened looking, bald headed girl, in a yellow oversized T-shirt.

they all stood there staring, not knowing what to do.

Mike slightly in front of his friends, but the strange girl wasn't looking at him, oh no she wasn't. Her gaze was on the boy behind him, the one with curly hair and missing front teeth and he was staring right back at her, they both had an unfamiliar feeling in their chests, but don't worry this wasn't a bad feeling it was something they would soon learn, is called love.

Sorry, this was so short, but it's kinda cute.

anyway, request.

Love you all💓

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