Sam ~ Pennywise

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Hope this is okay.
I walk down by the quarry kicking at lose rocks board out of my mind, I sit down next to river and feel a pang of loneliness. I hated  the fact that we had to move to this stupid town ever since we got here my parents have been acting weird, like they under a spell, it's funny but that's  how most of the adults act here. There's a ruffle in the tress witch bings me out of my day dream, I spin around and my heart stops I see about 50 red balloons making their  way towards me, I follow the strings down and see the most terrifying things, a huge clown my breath hitches and i stand up willing my feet to run, but they won't move.
  "Hi S-Sammy, want a ballon?" The thing asks, I'm to terrified to even think how it knows my name.
I feel tears well up in my eyes and I start to shake.
  "G-go a-way!" I stutter out
He laughs, a blood curdling laugh,
"They all say that," he then charges towards me, I scream, then it all goes black.

I wake up in excruciating pain, I moan and lift my head, I seen my clothes are blood stained I turn my head and see big teeth marks all up my arm, it's looks like I've been attacked by a big wolf.
I sit up and lean against the cold wall, I look around the room like things I'm  in, it's small and not really a room, and it sticks real bad, it doesn't take me long to realize I'm in the sewers I can hear a lot of noise and kids screaming.
I start to feel scared  again tears fall out my eyes I turn my head and see something sharp liying on  the floor I grab it and see it's a sharp rock. I shackle place it on my writs knowing I'd rather die that have to see that thing again, I know it's going to come back for me, I know it.
I sliced up, the noise outside had disappeared , I scream at the pain but keep going I start to feel light headed and my head drops over, i lie there and just before my eyes close a see a bunch of kids run into the room.

I slowly come to and relies someone is carrying me
"Is she okay?" I hear a girls voice ask.
"S-she should b-be now IT's d-dead," a voice stutters out.
"Can we just hurry up, I just had a leaped throw up on me and need to have a shower,". Another voice squeaks.
I slowly open my eyes and look up to see a dark skinned boy carrying me.
"Ow," I mumble looking down at my now mutilated arm.
"She's awake!" The girls voice screams.
The boy carrying me looks down.
"Shh, don't worry, your okay.
We'll take care of you," he says. I feel myself smile as I slowly close my eyes again and for the first time for a long while, I feel safe.

I really hope this is what you wanted

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