Sam pennywise Part - 2

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Reguested by: @shodgson250

I wake up a few minutes later, as I open my eyes I see a few heads looking over me, I sit up and moan at the pain in my arms,
"E-easy," a boy says kneeling down and helping me up, I look at him and recognize him form school, "your Bill, right?" I ask my cheeks flushing a bit from being so close to him.
"How's bad's the wound?" A boy with big glasses asks
"It's fine," I say leaning my head against the rock Bill has propped me up on,
"That doesn't look fine to me," Bill says looking worriedly at my wound,
"You'll probably have to get stitches," a boy says with with his arm in a cast. "T-that's E-ddie," Bill says and introduces me to all the kids,
"Why were you down in the sewers?" I ask them,
They all exchange looks,
"We killed IT, the thing that took you, has been tormenting us too." Beverly says.
"It killed Georgie, Bills broth-" Stan stars but is silenced by and elbow in the arm by Ben.
I feel my heart sink when I see the look on Bills face,
"I'm sorry," I mumble not knowing what else to say.
"I-its fine, w-we sho-uld probably get y-you back to your parents, t-they must be w-oried" Bill says.
I laugh, "my parents don't care, they wouldn't even notice if I disappeared," I say
"Derry has that affect on people," Richie says sadly,
"Not my mum," Eddie piped up.
"Ya, your mums over protective Eds," Stan says.
"You want us to take you to the hospital then?" Mike asks.
I nod, "unless you have other places to be?" I say,
"No, and we need to get Stan the the hospital too," Eddie says pointing to the  nasty teeth marks on stand head,
Bill helps me up and we all start to make our way down to the hospital,
"What are we going to tell the doctor?" I ask.
"They probably won't even ask," Ben says
I nod sadly it seems that nobody in This town cares, Bill seems to see this,
"We care," he says, I smile
"Thanks," I say
"We sort of a club, you want in?" Richie says,
"I would like that," I smile
"The only rule is, we stick together and look after each other," Mikes adds.
"I'm in, you can count on me," I says as we get closer the the hospital.
"A-and you can c-count on us," Bill says
I smile knowing that I've found my friends, and now everything will be okay.

Sorry about the cringie ending, writers block, also if anyone wants to make character requests for my new book imperfect, now would be the time to do it.
Love you all so very much ❤️❤️
Ps I'm thinking about staring a Finn or Jaden book? Witch one and if I do, I need someone to make a cover, thoughts? 

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