1· nurse Powers 🔹

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As the young, sick female lied on the hospital bed, her mother whispered calm phrases into her burning ear that melted the words and went out the other, making the pain worse.

Y/n had just came from a soccer game and her leg was giving her pain. She knew it was broken due to the fact, she tried to kick the ball and her cleat got caught in the ground, twisting her ankle.

"Mom, stop. You're making it worse." Y/n squealed in agony as Her mom gave her gave a relaxing face, taking a seat.

A minute later, a tall male with the cliche blue scrubs, white coat and clipboard, walked into the shivering room, greeting Y/n's mother.

"Hello. I'm Nurse Powers. I will be be checking your daughter out today." Y/n watched the man as he talked, eyeing him down but not getting too comfortable due to the pain coming from her leg.

"What seems to be the problem, little one ?" Nurse Powers felt on Y/n's forehead to check for fevers, lift her neck for thermal conflict and checked her breathing flow.

"My leg fuckingn hurts. Can you hurry up and check it already?" The young girl threw her head back as the man touched her swollen leg.

"I'll be right back. I'm gonna go call your father." The mother of the patient walked out as her daughter was being heavily inspected.

"Do you know what's wrong with it?" She asked.

"Looks like your little leg is broke." Nurse Powers eyed her legs with eyes full of lust due to the softness and freshly shaven texture.

"Can you stop using little towards me? I'm 15 and 10 months. I'm almost legal." She sat up on her elbows speaking to him.

"And I'm 24. Don't get cocky."

"Well, you're kinda young."

"So are you. You're very young, and cute." His hand traveled up her leg making her shiver.
"Trust me. You don't want these problems." Y/n gazed as the man smirk in her direction.

"Do you want a cast or bandage?"

"Bandage. I have a game Thursday." It was currently Tuesday.

"You can't make it to this game with your leg like this." She rolled her eyes and rubbed her shin.

"Dr. Myles, bring me a tube of healing cream and bandages." He said into the phone.

Seconds later, a Caucasian woman appeared with the items and he took it, signaling her to close the door.

"So tell me about yourself, Ms. Y/n."

"I'm 15, about to turn 16 as I already said. I'm a junior, I love soccer and volleyball, I like to cook and somewhat dance I guess. And I love Geometry." He nodded his head like it was interesting as he ran the cream up and down her leg.

"Tell me about you."

"Well, as you can tell, I'm a nurse. My name is Keith Powers, I love to help kids, such as yourself. I'm 24, like I said. My birthday is August 22nd. And if I hadn't become a nurse, I would've became a model or play football." She looked at him still rubbing the cream on her leg. It felt kinda good.

"Welllll, Ms. Y/n, maybe we can do something on my day off or some time. You seem to be very interesting."

"Maybe. I mean you're kinda old."

"Only clothes get old, babygirl." He winked. Y/n blushed and put her head down watching his hands.

"That feels nice." She bit her lip a little as he started to rub in between her thighs. She bit her lips once again and heard the door open.

"I'm back." Her mother appeared and smiled as the doctor held a conversation with her daughter.

"She's all good to go now. You can take her home." Y/n left happy as the man winked at her and remember they exchanged numbers while they were conversing.

"Thank you, Nurse Powers." Y/n's mother said giving him a warm smile.

Y/n thought of how her affair was about to begin with not only a 24 year old, but a nurse. A sexy Nurse.

'lucky me' Y/n thought.

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