22· separation 2 🔸

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Give votes and comments to the last chapter. I don't know how many parts I'm doing to this but yeah. Listen to the song in the media and you will get in your feelings. Stick around❤


It was currently 1 am and Y/n crept out of bed, going over to the dresser. Before opening it, she looked back at Keith who looked so peaceful in the King Size mattress. Reaching for the box, she tip toed into the bathroom, closing the door, turning the bath tub on. She pretend she was running water to distract the noise of the sticky packets. "1 down, 3 to go." She popped a mini hole in the condoms, making her way out the room, stuffing it back in the drawer and making her way back to the bed. She heard Keith grumble and wrap his arms around her. "What you was doing ?" She responded with a nothing and drifted off back to sleep, smirking at her first procedure. She wasn't even done with him yet.

The next morning, Y/n woke up and got ready for work, seeing Keith was still sound asleep. Whoever this chick is must be putting it down on him. Apparently, it wasn't Y/n. She didn't worry about giving him a kiss and those shenanigans. She made her way to the car and zoomed off to work.

In the middle of the day, her 7+ plus ringed in her scrub pocket. She ignored it until she was done checking her patient's blood pressure. After doing all those good things, she made her way to the office, closing the door and pulling her phone out. She saw the flooded messages from Keith. She decided to ignore it on purpose until the end of the day.

The day was almost over and Y/n decided to clock out 30 minutes early. She made her way to the car, throwing her purse on the passenger side once again. She made her way to the grocery store, picking up some fruit and other things then heading home.

She pulled into the driveway, seeing his car wasn't there. She smiled and got out the car, waving at her neighbor and making her way inside. She made herself dinner, washed the dishes and proceeded to take a relaxing bath.

Getting in the tub , she heard the door open and she sank to the bottom of the tub, letting her head be visible. She saw Keith walk into the room and then into the bathroom. He smiled when he saw her and kneeled down to the tub height.

"Hey, babe." She smiled and leaned over giving a kiss to his cheek then sitting still in the water. By her actions, Keith had no idea she knew about the condoms or Michelle.


The two sat in bed after Y/n mad him dinner and cleaned up. It was time for questioning.

"Keith, where were you?" Y/n looked at her wedding ring sticking her hand out, inspecting it. His head shot up in her direction, trying to make up and answer on the spot.

"At my mom's. She asked me to run an errand for her." She nodded once again and began flooding him with questions,hearing all lies.

"Where's the condoms?" She had an amused look to her face, waiting for an answer.

"Why all these questions?" She shook her head, putting the covers over her. She got tired of hearing all the lies he was telling at the moment and dozed off to sleep.


Keith's POV:

Mich❤ : baby I'm horny. Come fuck me

Keith👅💙: I'm with Y/n

Mich❤ : leave her for a little while. My pussy is so wet

I  looked to my side to see Y/n and she was sleeping like and an Angel. She's beautiful, I just don't feel that connection anymore between us.

Keith👅💙: gimme 10 minutes 😘

Mich❤: ok daddy

I silently crept out of the bed, grabbing the last condom and putting my house slippers on and making my way to my car. I closed the door quickly and made my way to Michelle's house. Time to beat this pussy upppp.

    Keith's POV over

After Keith made his way to the door, Y/n opened her eyes, rushing out of bed and going to her walk in closet, grabbing 3 duffel bags and her suitcase. Y/n had enough of this and she knew all Keith wanted was money. He could've shared the house with his new bitch , too.

She stuffed her underwear, socks, clothes and shoes in a her bags. She changed into some jeans and a vneck, putting her flats on. Writing a check for 50,000, she left it on the dresser set, looking at her ring once more and throwing it on the bed.

She swung her tote over her shoulder and grabbed all her things, making her way to the car. Before leaving out, she slammed a picture of them on their wedding day down calmly.

She's had enough of this. Y/n was 23 years old, good head on her shoulders, good job, gave her love so many times. She was done wasting her time. Walking out that house was a new beginning and nothing was stopping her.

Finally putting her things in the car, she pulled out the driveway, not knowing where she would go, but know she wasn't staying in her current state.

'Here's to fresh starts and no more broken hearts.' Y/n put her shades on, not looking back.

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