45· romeo&juliet 🔹

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Y/n crawled quickly to the balcony of her room that played Shakespeare'Hamlet'. The young girl opened the windows, spotting the love of her life , Keith. A smile instantly spread across her beautiful face as the caramel boy crept up to her personal residence. His hands caught onto hers, making Y/n feel the usual love connection. He wasn't supposed to be here, but the teens couldn't bury their love for each other.

"Shh!" Y/n giggled as the teenage boy sat onto her bed, making the wood hit the wall.

"Y/n, what's that noise?" It was her dad from the other room.

"Nothing, dad. I was just jumping into bed." She didn't hear a response so she expected he'd falling back to sleep. Y/n felt Keith tug at her waist. Her brows orbs fell to the boy who was below her, obviously wanting her attention. Sitting into Keith's lap, Y/N connected her lips onto his. Their tongues wrestled for dominance, drawing saliva and creating blood senses throughout the kiss.

"Y/n, are you sleeping?" Her dad banged on her door, twisting the doorknob seeing it was lock. Her mom convinced him to come to bed, but he didn't allow locked doors. Y/n has not paid bills, so she does not have extreme privacy.

Y/n pulled away, already feeling sinned. Keith's lips were still connected to her neck, causing her heart to beat quickly.

"Keith, you have to go. Father will kill you if he catches you. Forth on, shall not vision sinister. Please, go now." The boy continued to leave love bites on her now red neck. Y/n's father bangs on the door got louder.

"Y/n, I command you to open this door, or you shall be punished and lose privileges." Y/n dragged Keith to her balcony that gave off a chilly breeze. The brutal fist increased on her door from the other side. Y/n had never been thus frightened. Her dad would disown her if he found out she'd been messing around with a boy, let alone a Powers. Y/n's original family was a Disteri. Disteris and Powers didn't mix well, evident to the previous duals and brawls their people had in the past. Previous to this situation, Y/n and Keith tried to sit their guardians down, ending in another throw down.

"Y/n, I wanna get married." Keith climbed down onto Y/n's balcony garland. She just wanted him gone already. He could get her killed. Her gown scratched against her brown ridged carpet.

"I love yo-" Y/n's door busted open, Keith fell into their pool, leaving a faint splash. Y/n looked at her father as if she was doing something else.

"Sorry, dad. I had cramps." She stood at her balcony entrance, seeing Keith swim away but blow her a kiss. Her cheeks were red, but turned her brown color as her father walked up to her.

"Get to bed. And no more locked doors around here. Understood?"

"Yes, father." She nodded and got into her bed as her dad closed the bedroom door. Her heart was beating from the almost murder scene. Y/n lied on her back, staring at he ceiling in a daze. She was so happy. She could've gotten killed but it was worth it.

"I love you too, Keith." Her smile faded as her brown weary eyes closed, falling deep into sleep mode.

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