33· faking it 🔹

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On set :

Y/n kissed down Keith's chest, then coming back up to kiss him. He flipped them over and pull the covers over their bodies, leaving hickeys down her neck. She fake moaned, throwing her head back into the mattress.

He removed her underwear and threw them across the stage room, going down on her. Keith took off the briefs he had on and put them onside them. He reached in the dresser and grabbed a condom. He tore it, pretending to slide it on. Y/n watched him full of lust as he "slid in". They really weren't having sex but you know. 

"Ugh!" Her head went back into the mattress once again as Keith gave rough kisses to her neck. She can't lie, Keith was fine as a motherfucker.

While seeing Y/n fake moan, he got really turned on. Being the freak that he is, he slid into Y/n's opening, making her real life moan. Her eyes turn wide, taking his full length.

"Mm." Keith groaned feeling her tightness, raising her legs to his shoulders. With the cover still over their bodies, the bed squeaked and hitting against the wall. The sexual tension was thick as molasses and Keith loved every bit of it.

'Wait til we finish. His ass is done.' Y/n thought, fake moaning. The producers didn't know they were really having sex due to having a young audience. Y/n and Keith were main characters of a new show 'Glory'. It was an activist airing.

"I love you." Keith put his hands on each side of Y/n, stroking her spot. He rested his head into the crook of her neck, kissing it.

The sweat off Keith's forehead trickled onto her ears as he scratched at his back. Y/n was loving every moment of this.

"I love you too, Josh." He rose up from her , sending strokes to her insides. She looked up at Keith not Josh and made eye contact, feeling herself climax.

Keith felt it too and flipped them over, Y/n climbing on top of him. She began boucing on his dick, her moaning, him groaning. She slid down , not being able to take him all and began rocking on him. He gripped her breasts, kissing down her neck and sucking her chocolate areolas.

"Ke-Josh! Ugh!" He held her down and started pumping in her tight opening , making her breathe hitch. She slid back on him, holding onto his chest as he held her hips , pushing her more onto his thick shaft. He felt himself twitching in her and her clenching around him.

"J-joshh!" She squirted around him, feeling her walls throb while she felt his hot seed fly into the condom. She wiped the sweat on her forehead, bending down to give him a kiss. He winked at her, making the girl blush heavily. She rose off him, laying down next to Keith, wrapping her arms around him. The covers fell over the duo as they gave each other a passionate kiss. Keith sucked on Y/n's tongue, gripping her cheeks under the blanket.

"I love you , Y/n." He whispered.

"I love you too, Keith." she smiled and "fell asleep" in a spooning position.

"Cut! That was great, you guys. Almost like you were foreal." The director walked up to them as they sat up in the bed.

"Yeah, something like that." Keith smirked, wrapping his arms around Y/n.

She wrapped the cover around her body, getting up. Keith walked behind her as she walked back to her dressing room. She grabbed his hand, walking in her room, shutting the door.

"And why did you do that?" She smirked. He wrapped his arms around her waist as the cover fell.

"Shh." He bent down to kiss her and made their way to the couch. He laid Y/n down, getting in between her legs. Keith always did have a thing for Y/n. She just didn't know it or acknowledge his actions when he came around.

"Do your thing, Josh." She smirked and he slid in again, Y/n feeling a wave of pleasure come over her.

"Oh, I will, Indie."

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