42· enough 3 🔹

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Getting up from a peaceful nap, Y/N heard a knock at her door. She groaned, scraping her feet lazily against the rug. She looked through the peep hole seeing it was Keith. That was last person she wanted to see. She opened the door, placing her hand on her hip.

"What do you want?" Keith pushed pass her and walked into her living room. He paced back and forth, passing his hand down his waves and down to his face. Y/n watched him in confusion, waiting for an answer as to why he was doing this.

"Why haven't you called me in a fucking whole week? How could you just let US go like that? I thought you loved me." He stood in front of her , yelling a little. She looked up at him, not answering.

"Can you get out my house?" She opened her door only to get slammed shut. She rolled her eyes, sighing and running her tummy. Keith looked at her and squinted his eyes.

"Tell me why haven't you call me!" His hands shook as he yelled more aggressively towards the girl.

"Because I'm pregnant with your baby, jackass! I never called you because I'm pregnant. Are you happy no- just get out, Keith. I can't." He pulled her into a tight hug, her head sinking into his chest. He was happy she was pregnant with his first child. He just imagined it would've been with Drew.

"Shh. Don't cry." He soothed her back, making her calm down. She wiped her tears, pulling away a little. She looked up at Keith with him wiping away her leftover tears. He stared down her gray orbs, making her cry all over again.

"What's wrong?"

"What if my baby doesn't grow up with a father? How ima take care of a baby by myself? What if I lose it? How are you gonna even tell Drew? I ruined your marriage, Keith." He held onto her a little bit longer, calming the emotional girl down. His eyebrows furrowed as he felt Y/n stop dry. He looked down to see her eyes closed, making him smile. He lifted her, bring her upstairs. He laid Y/n in the bed, taking his shoes off and laying next to her. He pulled the blanket over them, cupping his hands on her belly. He smirked a little at her baby bump knowing her hit it right. Its just that-

"How am I gonna tell Drew?" Y/N continued to sleep on his chest as he held a soft grip onto her shoulders. If someone took a picture, they'd look like a real family. Keith's eyes glared at the ceiling until sleep took over his body.

Drew paced back and forth , waiting and wondering where Keith was. She called his brother and mom, both saying the same thing. 'No, I haven't seen him today.' Furry took over Drew as she slammed herself onto their bed. She dialed his number once more, hearing him answer on the second ring. He sounded exhausted.

"KEITH, WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU? I'VE BEEN CALLING YOU ALL FUCKING DAY!" Keith spoke to Drew in a calm manner while Y/n woke up. She sat up beside him, hearing the woman scream over the phone. Her eyebrows took a stand and she got out the bed, walking downstairs. She made herself comfortable at a kitchen stool until Keith came down.

Keith hung up on Drew, throwing his phone on Y/N's bed. He sighed and went down to meet Y/n. She stuffed her face with grapes and watermelon until she saw Keith's figure appear. He chuckled at her actions and sat across from her. He saw her face was already getting fat.

"So how far along are you?" She sat her fork down, swallowing her food.

"2 months." His eyes turned wide. Why haven't she been told him?

"Damn. And you didn't tell me?"

"I just found out Tuesday." It was currently Sunday. He nodded, looking back at her. She continued to eat while he got up and went over to her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and started rubbing her belly.

"I finally have a daughter."

"You mean a son." She turned towards Keith, looking up at him. He stared her down with his dark eyebrows catching her. She always had a thing for his brows. He leaned down, connecting their lips,him picking Y/n up. He lifted her, him taking a seat on the stool and going back in for this kiss. Their saliva connected while Y/n bit his bottom lip. Their tongue fought for dominance, almost giving them lock jaw.

At home, Drew still on the phone, she heard Keith hung up on her. Times likes these she thought Keith was cheating and he was.

"Oh no." She saw his location on his phone was on and she went by that. She saw his phone was located at 1810 Rose Lane. She put on her shoes in confusion and made her way to the address. When she got there, she saw Keith's car parked inside the garage.

"The fuck?" She knocked on the door, hearing footsteps. She saw a young girl open the door. It was-

"Y/n?! Where is my man?" She stepped into Y/n's house, pushing her aside. She saw Keith in the kitchen with his shirt unbutton. He groaned at the sight of her and started hitting him. Y/n stood by the door until the two were through.

"You never loved me! And you here cheating on me with this bitch?! That's why I was with your stupid ass for money. Don't even bother coming back home!" She walked back to the door, giving Y/n a look.

"And you. Stank bitch. I knew you were fucking my man and you didn't even say shit." Y/n laughed and started rubbing her stomach.

"And I'm pregnant with his baby. Buttttt, he still loves me. Bye now." Y/n pushed Drew out the house and slammed her door. She looked back at Keith in a pissed mood.

"You need to check your bitches." She made her way upstairs with Keith following. She stopped and pressed her finger against his chest.

"No, no. You sleeping on the couch." He groaned, face palming himself. He lazily grabbed the float blanket and went to the couch. So much for wanting to have sex tonight.

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