21· separation 🔹

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I am currently booming tf out New edition rn and I'm in my feelings behind this man. Idk why , we all know he's charming but carry on - Beyonce❤

"Hey, baby, I'm about to come home and get dinner started." Y/n spoke to her husband of 4 years over the phone as she clocked out of work. Y/n didn't feel like cooking but she knew he wanted a home cooked meal.

"Ok. See you when you get here." Y/n didn't even finish her sentence of saying 'i l love you' before he hung up on her. She sighed and rolled her eyes , getting into her car and going to the grocery mart.

While his wife was currently grocery shopping, Keith was too busy making love to his assistant, Michelle. He had his eyes on her for a while now.

"You have to go , Mich. She's almost home." He gave the woman slow powerful strokes, pulling her hair. He didn't want her to leave , but she had to. Without Y/n, he had no more business and Michelle wasn't wife material. The couple had been messing around for approximately 3 months and Y/n knew nothing about , or as he thought.

"Baby , I don't wanna leave. This dick is so good." He grinded into her, feeling his dick grip. She had squirted around him and he pulled out , cumming on her back. After the duo had calmed down and relaxed, Keith got up, giving Michelle her clothes. She gave a slight smile and took them, getting dressed.

"Keith, I can't keep doing this. You either love me or her. No in between. If you loved me, you would've been with me." He went up to her and grabbed her petite waist.

"Michelle, I told you. I love you more than anything and you know that. When I clear out Y/n's bank account, we'll finally be together. We both know we can't afford for anyone to fund out us." He said emphasizing us. The chocolate girl nodded and slipped on her shoes, grabbing her phone off the coffee table.

"Time for me to go now." She gave Keith a quick kiss and walked out the garage door that was in the other side of the living room. She would go out this door in case Y/n would come back early. He didn't wanna get caught so easily.

"I love you, Keith." He watched her as she got in her BMW and responded with an I love you and blew a kiss.

On the other hand , Y/n was currently at the grocery store, shopping for pasta and kale. She was a healthy eater and wanted to stay looking good for her husband, who obviously didn't pay attention to her. With all the work , Y/n didn't notice how they've drifted. They would only spend time shopping and she would buy him all the stuff.

She got her items and made her way to the register, putting her things on the conveyor belt. She walked up in line ad the man scanned her stuff. She waited patiently and pulled her credit card out, waiting for the price.

"43.09." She swiped her card and signed the screen and grabbed her groceries, going out to her car. Y/n put everything in her car and made her way home just to see her husband's face for 2 hours, watch Black Ink Crew and go to bed. Their sex life was slim to none. That's what led to Keith messing around with his assistant.

Getting out the car, Y/n grabbed the groceries and closed her door with her foot, making her way towards the step. She entered the door seeing her husband sitting on the couch with his legs cocked up. She smiled and went to put the groceries on the dining table. She threw her keys in the glass bowl, walking back over to her husband.

"Hey, baby." She leaned in for a kiss, only to be turned bad come in contact with his cheek.
"Something wrong?" He nodded no and got up, going to see the food she bought. She shrugged and made her way to their room, stripping from her wrinkled scrubs and into the shower.

She soap her body body and got out , wrapping a towel around her slim body. Noticing her socks were hanging out the drawer, Y/n made her way over , opening it and pushing them in , but seeing a box of magnums. They obviously had to be Keith's. She looked to see it was 36pck but only had 2 left. She squinted her eyes , nodding her head and thought of the possibility Keith could be cheating on her. That box was full over 2 months ago and they ever sexual intercourse in 3 months.

She heard his footsteps and threw them in the drawer, quickly shutting it. He appeared in the doorway and she smiled.

"Hey can you hurry and up and make dinner?" She fake smiled and nodded, went up to kiss him.

"Sure, baby." He exited the room and when she heard his footsteps calm down, she looked back at the dresser and got dressed.

'Let the games begin. Keith.'

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