32· just in case 2 🔸

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As you can tell, I update a lot.

Y/n stood in front her long mirror, examining her body in her all black knee dress. She rubbed her hand around her little baby bump, smiling and cupping her stomach. She was 2 months pregnant with Keith's baby. She was gonna tell him they were gonna have a baby, but they were fussing that night.

"You ready, sweetie?" She reflected Keith's mom in the mirror. She smiled and nodded, leaving the room and cutting the lights off.

Y/n sat through the funeral service with her head down. She wiped her last tear and got up to pay her respects to Keith. Getting up, her heels clicked against the floor as she showed up to his casket.

"I love you,baby." She grabbed his hand , leaving down and giving him a kiss on the forehead. She walked out, making her way to the limousine.

"He would've been a great father, Y/n. I wish you the best." Elijah gave Y/n a tight hug while she nodded and giving the other boys hugs. Y/n exited the church, getting in the vehicle. She laid her head against the window, rubbing her belly.

7monthslater :

Y/n laid in the hospital bed as she rubbed her stomach from contractions.

"Shit!" KJ started moving around, making the pain worse. From the feeling, he had a head just like his father. The doctor walked in, preparing for her to have her baby.

20 minutes after pushing, Y/n heard the crying of her baby boy. She smiled and the nurse handed the baby to her, earning another cry. He looked just like Keith. A tear slipped from her eye as she looked at her husband look alike. Only if he were here.

Y/n sat on her bed in the house her and Keith shares. He's gone physically but not mentally. She played with their baby as he looked at her, smiling.


"Aw, your first word, baby." She kissed allover his face receiving laughs and babbling from him. He babbled it over and over until he fell asleep. She laid down , putting the baby on her chest.

"It's just you and me, Keith." She caressed her baby before falling asleep along with him.

Keith's ghost stood by the door, smiling at his little family. He walked over to the both of them and kissed his son's forehead and kissed Y/n on the lips.

"Be a man like your father."

"Take care of our child."

"I love you both." He whispered.

"Mm." He saw Y/n moved a little when she felt the kiss. He chuckled a little at the action and disappeared.

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