29· vacay 🔹

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Y/n took a step out her limousine that arrived to the bed and breakfast she would be staying at. She was currently working hard, so she figured she needed a break for herself and take a vacation. She planned an all expense trip to the Bahamas. She's been there before, but she loved it so much, she had to come back.

"Thank you, Benji." She smiled at the young man taking her bags to her already reserved room. She walked into the hotel that gave a coffee smell and refugees. She checked in and went to her room, laying on her all white king size bed. She wish she had someone to take this vacation with, but she could've take some her time.

"Lemme get some to eat." She picked up her phone for room service, ordering steak and bake potatoes. She decided to go get it herself wanting to get some exercise and enjoy the decor of the Caribbean scene. Getting up from her bed, she grabbed her credit card, heading out the room.

"Oh, my bad, miss." She was bumped onto the ground as one of her heels fell off. Who ever this was was a pretty built guy. She looked up to see a caramel boy around 6 ft, helping her up.

"Its ok. I wasn't watching where I was going anyways. Thanks for helping." She smiled and dust herself off, grabbing her shoe, putting it back on. He watched her actions until she was finished.

"I'm Keith, by the way." He stuck his hand put for her to shake it. She nodded and shook his hand, introducing herself.

"Y/n." She was turning to walk away until she felt an arm on hers. She looked back to see him still standing there.

"Maybe we should hang out sometimes? You seem like a pretty cool girl , Y/n." She examined his face for 4 seconds to the most, finally nodding yes. He gave a cheeky smile, showing his pearls. She found the man sexy already. His body, smile, accen- she could tell he was from Sacramento the way he pronounced his s.

"Sure. My room number is 1098. Swing by some time."

"Oh, so you in a suite? Nice. Might have to make room in that nice comfy bed for me." She chuckled and began walking off. He watched as the woman's hips twist with her skirt set.

"Not slick , Keith." She laughed, walking away, going to her her food as she left the man struck my her assets.

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