43· lock in 🔹

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Y/N walked down her high school hall, making her way to the vending machine. School was almost over but she was hungry as hell and they had her favorite fruit snacks. She appeared before the machine, taking $3 out her pocket. She vended a fruit snack and hot Cheetos with a brisk tea to wash it down.

"Ahh!" Y/N let out a fresh sigh after drinking some of her tea. It was so cold and refreshing, she was sure it left her nose red and throat happy. She left the machines, heading back to the cafeteria, seeing people walking fast. She was wondering what was going on until a teacher pushed her.

"Brittany, what's going on?"

"There's a tornado and we have to go to the gym. Come on, girl." She grabbed Y/N's arm, walking her to the gym with a still confused YN. Why didn't they just stay in the cafeteria? The students ended up in the gymnasium, all being clumped up onto each other. Y/N stood in a corner by herself seeing a text from her mom and dad.

'Are you ok, Y/N. I see there's a tornado.'
'you alright huh? They supposed to have a tornado.' She text both her parents back letting them know she was fine. She took a seat at the lowest bleacher, getting back on her phone. A tall figure appeared in front of her, making her instantly look up. She saw Keith from her Algebra class and his group of friends.

"Is it ok if we sit here?" She nodded looking back down and going back to occupying herself. She didn't acknowledge him because too much was on her mind. It was hot as hell in this building. Keith stared the girl down as his friends were deep into a conversation. He looked at her phone screen seeing she was playing his favorite game 'flappy bird'. Keith saw she couldn't pass the level , tapping her shoulder. She looked up at him, waiting for an answer.

"May I?" He pointed down to her phone, Keith taking it in his hands and began playing the game. He was so into it and had passed level 80 now. Y/N watched in amusement as his bony long fingers twiddled on her device. After 30 more levels, Keith had a high score of 132. He handed the phone back to her, her being jealous a little. It's a game but this was her favorite.

"Thanks, Keith." He blushed at the sound of her saying his name. He didn't know she knew his name because every time he looks at her , she brushes him off or rolls her eyes.

"How'd you know my name?"

"Algebra, 3rd block. Mrs. Lourde." She nodded towards him as he smiled at the teenager. He was a grade older than her, but that wasn't stopping him from going after what he wanted. She returned a grin, going back on her device. Keith turned back towards his boys, talking to them since Y/N seemed so busy.

"It's fucking hot!" He heard Y/N grumble, instantly turning his head, seeing her PINK windbreaker slipping off. Her fabric swung, making him smell the Tahiti Island Fragrance as a heat wave. Her burgundy tank top held her breasts perfectly, Keith's eyes bulging at the sight. She looked up at him and started snapping him out his trance. She saw his eyes were on her goodies and smirked a little.

"Stare much?" His head went down with him blushing and embarrassment. Y/N got up from her seat, wrapping her windbreaker around her waist. She had on her PINK spandex tights that clung to the bottom of her legs. Her feet became moist in her roshes. This is why she hated having small feet.

"Where you going?"

"The vending machine." She took her Supreme hat off, passing her eggshell nails down her edges. Keith watched as Y/N's hand traveled down to her 6 inch ponytail that turned bushy from the humidity inside the gym.

"I'm coming. Wait up." He traveled onside of her like they were a couple. Y/N walked slow but her pace was still fast. Keith made conversation with Y/N as they walked down the hall.

"So what you got in Mrs. Lourde?"

"An A. You?"

"D. You needa tutor me sometime." He grabbed Y/N's hand, swinging their arms back and forth until they appeared to the vending machine. She let his hand go to press the buttons to get a drink. She bent down to get her beverage until she felt a figure pressing against her behind. She turned around to see no other but Keith. His cocky smirk got her panties a little wet but not turning into any tsunami shit.

"Y/N , this is high school, babygirl. It ain't time for games anymore. When you gonna quit playing and be mine already?" She pushed him back a little, standing up from their position. She sat on a nearest stool, calling Keith over.

"How will I be yours when we don't even talk?" His muscular hands held onto her waist. He bit his lip before answering her question.

"To answer your question, m'lady, I been talking to you. You just like to leave a nigga feeling played." Y/N thought back to when he passed her in the hallway, he said hey but she turned her head. When they were partners and Y/N didn't talk about anything BUT their project. They got a good grade but they'd still hadn't made that connection.

"Well, I'm a busy girl. You have to catch my attention when I'm not doing anything important."

"Welllll. I can see that. But about that tutoring thing. You up for it?" Y/N looked into the air as if she was thinking with her tongue sitting against her wisdom tooth.

"Yeah on one condition." She pulled the buff boy's body closer. She leaned down to his ear, resting her hands on his shoulders. His lower abdomen was tucked perfectly between the girl's legs.

"I choose the first position." Y/N licked the boy's listening hole, instantly turning him on. He looked back at her surprised. He never knew her to be freaky, but he wasn't complaining about it.

"Bet." The two heard the home bell ring, making Y/N jump down from the stool. Keith took her hand, making their way out the quiet area. The teenagers made their way out the building, seeing the wind had calmed down.

"See you tomorrow, Y/N. Gimme kiss." Keith poked his set of pink, kinda thin lips, feeling her lips onto his cheek.

"A real one." The tall boy pulled her into his chest, pressing his lips against hers. She pulled away and leaned in again, not having balance the first time. She felt Keith's tongue slide into her mouth, making her gasp. His hands traveled down to her ass, giving it a light squeeze them hard grip. Her hands pressed against his shoulders, pulling away a little.

"Keithhhh." He pulled her long ponytail a little til her neck was cocked back. His tongue dragged across her neck, making her moan out in pleasure. The grip on her hair had Y/N aroused, making her teeth stick to her bottom lip.

She felt him pull away, giving her neck one more peck. She looked up at him with lust creaming from her orbs. Her lip was still being bitten by her top row of teeth.

"WHOO! GET YOU SOME KEITH! IN THERE!" Y/N and Keith looked to see Woody, Algee, Luke and Elijah hooting and hollering in the parking lot. Y/N blushed, throwing her head into Keith's chest.

Stupid ass Lock in. At least she got Keith out of it.

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