23· separation 3 🔹

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Y/n laid in bed, watching YouTube videos, eating ice cream. Now and then she still thought about Keith and what went down with him, but it didn't phase her. She was not about to stay there and take this type of situation. She laughed at the movie she was viewing.

She bought a new house, and transferred to a hospital that was out of state. She never felt this free in so many years. Y/n was only worried about herself at the moment. Getting up from her bed to save her bowl, she made her way downstairs, washing it then putting it in her cabinet.

On the other hand, Keith was sitting on the bed him and Y/n shared 3 years ago. He can't believe she left. He hurt her so bad. He was her every thing. In the beginning, no one could split up these high school sweethearts. He got ready for bed and laid by himself, looking at the ceiling, pulling the cover up to his chest. After seeing Y/n was gone that night, he instantly let go Michelle but couldn't hold onto Y/n. He didn't realize he had something good right in the front of his eyes. In his grip, but didn't take advantage of his privileges he had with Y/n.

"I love you." He wiped his micro tear and looked at the empty spot Y/n used to sleep in. Never will he do this to another woman. He don't know where she went , but he'll find her.

Y/n made her way back upstairs, putting her phone on the charger and drifting off to sleep wrapping her arms around herself.

The next day Y/n woke up and got ready for another day at the hospital. She looked on her phone seeing it was 6am. She changed her number after Keith kept on bothering her and blowing up her phone with pathetic texts.

While still in California, Keith got up from the bed and went for his morning run. After jogging his brains out, he made his way back to the house and got ready for his job. He was locally working for a trash company. He's been doing good not great on his own.

She arrived at the hospital, getting out her BMW and entering the building. She looked around and saw the sick patients. She greeted people and said good morning, going to the cafeteria. She got a cup of French vanilla and made her way to the cold office. "Nurse Y/l/n , check up on patient e19 in 235. Sugars very low. Check up on that." She sighed and made her way to the room. She grabbed the clipboard, walking into the room.

"Good morning, I'm Nurse Y/l/n. How are you feeling this today?" Y/n looks at the patient, widening her eyes and dropping her pen.

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