3· nurse Powers 2 🔹

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Y/n spoke on the phone with her best friend, Kyra for a little while about her day. She wanted to tell her so bad, but then she caught herself and thought about the time Kyra told her mom she went to a college party.

"Y/n!! Come here! Get down here!" She heard her mom yell from downstairs and said her goodbyes to Kyra and made her way down the staircase,  slowly due to her leg pain.

When she got down the staircase, she noticed her doctor standing at the door, giving her a smile.

"Hey, Nurse P. What are you doing here ?" She was very happy to see him, but confused on why he had visited their home.

"I came to do a checkup on you and see how you were. How is your leg holding up ?"

"It's fine. Could've been better, though." She shrugged and shook her leg.

She had done made her way down the stairs by now, began talking to her doctor/future lover. It really didn't mean anything to her about the age difference and he felt the same.

Her mom disappeared into the kitchen, leaving her and Keith in the living room. The two stared at each other, Nurse P's eyes full of awe at the attire the young girl had on, especially since she was young with a nice body.

"Take a picture. It'll last longer." She smiled at him as he returned the gesture, calling her over.

"Now to get back to business. I need to check your leg. Have a seat."

He began to take his things out as she sat on the couch and stuck her leg out. She was trying to be seducive and sexy at the same time. Keith saw her and began smirking, starting his process.

"Has your leg had any numbness since the last time you saw me ?"

"No. But I would love it to." She smirked and he caught onto what she was saying.

He growled and began to rub her leg up and down, massaging the knee, and the calf. It felt so good to her. His hands were miracles.

"Your fingers feel good." She made eye contact with him as he did it back, winking at her.

"I didn't know doctors could've come to your house."

"Of course. And you have a lovely home."

"Thank you. My bed needs some breaking in."

"You're a very nasty little girl."

"God made me well."

"Your leg looks good." He stretched her leg and put it a little over her head. She loved this stretch and things he was doing to her. He was just so sexy to her. She learned a lot about him over their calls and texts. He's a very interesting man to her. She was starting to have love for him.

She looked at him do his work as he was finished in the next 5 minutes.

"And I'm done." He let out a breathe as she got up from the couch. They looked at each other once again and her mother walked in.

"Hey, ya finish?"

"Yeah. Yeah. I should get going now."

"Uhm. If it isn't any problem or a rush, we would like for you to stay for dinner ?" He looked at Y/n and she nodded.

"Of course. You know this little one here is my favorite patient." He smiled in her direction as she mentally rolled her eyes in her head.

"It should be done in about 15 minutes. Y/n show him around. Don't be rude or boring."

"Come on. Ill show you my attic art." Y/n's mom smiled and Y/n grabbed his hand, leading him up to The stairs.

"Come here." She closed her door to her room and wrapped her arms around his neck. He reached down and kissed her, making her bite his lip. He lifted her and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

"Mm." He squeezed her ass and went sit on her bed, making her straddle his lap.

"Babyyyy, give it to me." She whined as he kissed down her neck. He lied her on the bed, kissing down her chest and gripping her thick thighs as she lied down and spread her legs open and him laying between them.

"Babe, I think we should stop for now. Your mom could be looking for us. And lord knows I don't wanna get in trouble. And I don't want you to get in trouble. I like you too much for that. "

"You're right, but I like you too." She sat up and fixed her clothes with him watching her.

"What?" She blushed and pulled her shorts up more, opening her door. She made sure to look out in the hall and see if her mom was out there.

"Come on. Should be almost done now." Grabbing his hand, she lead him down the steps into the isolated living room. They sat down and she put it on Netflix and sat beside him.

"I can't wait to do this and cuddle up with you." She returned a warming smile, giving him a quick kiss.

"I like you, Keith."

"I like you more, little one."

Y/n loved everything about this man, but her mother wouldn't approve of it. Especially if he's almost 10 years older than her.

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