6· warden 🔹

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"You down for me?" Y/n sat in the Porsche seat as her boyfriend stopped the car in an alley.

"Of course, Algee. What's going on?" Her heartbeat increased, hearing sirens get closer.

"Ima need you to stay in here. Ima handle them."


"Stay here. You got that?"

"Yes." Getting out the car, Algee dissed the gun under the seat, throwing some weed in the back. Reaching over to the passenger side, his lips were connected with Y/n's for a few seconds.

"I love you."

"I love you, too, Algee." Closing the car door, Algee quickly ran down the alley way that led to a park. Leaving Y/n there, she tried to run, only to be surrounded by cop cars.

"Put your hands up."


Y/n currently sat in her prison cell that's she's been in for over 2 years. Long story short, Y/n got caught at the wrong place and time with her ex, Algee. She would've never thought she would be spending 5 years in prison, but she had to be a big girl and face it.

She's met a couple of people in there , but didn't call anyone her best friend.

"Wake up, inmates!! Get up! This is not time to sleep! Rise and shine, cupcakes!" The police began to bang on the bars with the clubs they carried around. Y/n woke up and wiped her eyes,  yawning from the sleep. She had done got all her rest. Yeah, she was by herself and no one had her back, but you would never see her losing a sleep being afraid of another female.

"Look who's up and early." She stuck her middle finger to the prison warden. She never really paid attention to him until he grabbed the attention from her.

"Fuck off." They opened the cell as she stepped out and her curly hair poofed and stuck out from her head. Many guards and even female inmates found her attractive. She was, too, but she knew she was and that's what causes her "idgaf' attitude. That was also sexy about her.

The female inmates were now out their cells and Y/n sat ordering her commissary, sitting at the computer. She dared someone to try and take her snacks. She wasn't afraid to act up , either.

"What got you up in here, anyways?" She turned around to see the annoying ward ,but sexy Powers and sighed. She decided to tell her story to him. She felt like talking anyway.

"Well, long story short, I got caught up with my ex, Algee, and I just so happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. They caught him, he blamed everything on me and I didn't he killed someone, so they let him go, and I'm doing his time for him." He watched her pearly whites as they talked to him.

"Damn. That's fucked up." She nodded and rolled her eyes in a tiring manner. He looked over Y/n again and found she was a beautiful girl. He just would flirt with her time to time, not noticing her face fully.

"You're beautiful."

"Uhm. Thanks. But don't you have other people to attend to?" She pointed to the group of girls who clearly were about to start a brawl.

"Nah. Officer Pete got that shit." He chuckled and continued on with their chat.

"How old are you?"

"22. And you ?"

"27. 5 years ahead." He winked.

"Wow. You're pretty young to be here, huh ?" He nodded and looked up back at her. She looked away a little, playing with her hair.

"Could you get in trouble for me ?" She looked at him crazy and started laughing. He must be crazy. Hella crazy.

"You're funny, too ?" He dry faced her and he was serious about this. He wants her to get in trouble so he can bring her down to the dark cells and have his way with her. He wanted something with her, just not in jail. It was just fucking for now.

"I'm not joking. Do it, or you'll regret it." Her pants became wet in the middle as she closed her legs. He lowered his eyes at her, making her want to act out.

"It's your move. I have all day. I know you want it." He removed himself from the table and left the block, leavinging Y/n undecided.

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