16· tutor 🔹

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Keith sat alongside his other classmates, thinking about what he was gonna eat tonight. He never was the type to pay attention in class which left the teacher no other choice but to assign him a tutor.

He stood up only to be stopped in his tracks before hearing another name get called. He looked to the side to see Y/n still in her seat. She was a very curvy, smart girl.


"Mr. Powers, I seem to notice you have troubles finishing and understanding our lessons. I don't want you to fail, Keith." The teacher took off his glasses and gave Keith a sincere look.

"And what about me?" Y/n interrupted the convo between the two. Keith gave her a glare and she stared for a few seconds then putting her head down.

"That's why I'm putting Y/n to help you with your module. You're a senior, you don't have that much time to get your shit together." Keith put his head down and dealt with the fact he might fail high school.

"How can you just volunteer me?" Mr. Winston gave her a look and she rolled her eyes, and began walking out the class.

"Meet me in the library after school." She walked down the hall to the lunch room with Keith watching her til she disappeared around the corner.


The bell just rung, signaling it was time to go home. Y/n wasn't looking forward to this. She just wanted to get this done with and go home.

"Look who's on time." She pulled out her calculus book and taking all her learning tools out. Keith sat next to her and began the tutoring session.


The duo were done with the lesson and made their way out the library. Keith stopped in front of Y/n before she exited the building.


"In exchange of this tutoring shit, maybe I can take you out shopping some time ?" Y/n blushed to where only her thoughts could see it. No one especially someone who looks like Keith had asked her something like this, but she had an answer.

"That won't be necessary, Keith. It's the least I can do. I don't wanna see anyone fail. Especially since it's our senior year. Have a good night." She smiled and walked away to her Jeep as Keith watched her every move, licking his lips.

She was a very attractive girl, but she wasn't someone he thought about outside of school.

The boy got into his Mustang and raced his way home.

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