18· freshmeat 🔹

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Getting her schedule and looking it over, Y/n stood against the wall like a typical freshman would. She was stoked but not really as happy as she thought she would be.

"Hi, do you need help?" She looked up and saw a pretty black girl standing in front her. Y/n chuckled and nodded not knowing where she even have to go.

"Lemme see this. I'm kaylan btw." She looked over Y/n' schedule and she began to show Y/n her way around the halls.

"I'm Y/n. But that's a pretty name." The girl smiled and guided Y/n around until there was this boy come up to her. Y/n looked up and licked her lips mentally looking at the sexy boy who was in her sight.

"Who's this, sis?" He looked Y/n up and down, thinking she was a sophomore by her shape and looks.

"Y/n. I'm showing her around. Y/n, this is my brother Keith. Keith this is Y/n." He nod his head towards her and she returned a smile, flipping her hair.

The bell rung and Y/n smiled thanking Kaylan for showing her around. Thank god for her. Y/n would've been so lost.


It was lunch time and Y/n made her way to the bathroom and doing her feminine things then walking out the restroom. She looked around at the crowded halls and made her way against the wall.

A couple of girls passed her, looking her up and down but she looked right back at them. Some boys were saying she was fine and stuff. She wasn't a lunch kind of girl. She'll wait til she get home.

Seeing the boy from earlier, she stared at him for a little while and he gave her a smile, waving at her. She returned a smile then walked over to the water fountain. She drunk some and turned around, bumping into Keith.

"Damn. Stalking me much?" He laughed at her comment and she smiled seeing his pretty teeth up close.

"I see you didn't go to lunch. There's a vending machine down the hall around the corner."

"Thanks." She put on both her straps and made her way down the hall seeing the machine.

"Get the baked lays they're good." She saw Keith once again and rolled her eyes playfully. He's following her around pretty much a lot to say he's a senior.

"If I weren't half way crazy, I'd like to think the fact that you like me, Keith." She smiled and got her snack from the machine, getting a drink after.

"Don't come on too strong, freshman. Save that for the second day of school. You gotta dollar?" She pulled a dollar from her bra and gave it to him.


The day was over and Y/n was exhausted. One class was on one side of the school, and the other was on the other side. Her legs were tired, shit.

"How was your day, fresh?" She looked up from her phone seeing Keith. "It was good I guess. At least I know where all my classes are." She chuckled and went back to going on Instagram.

"You don't talk much. I like that in a girl." She furrowed her eyebrows and glared up at him.

"I know your sister showed me around and everything, but think I'm dumb to fall for your little trick. Don't pass that slick shit with me, Keith." She rolled her eyes, saving her phone and getting in her mom's car.

Keith stood there a little played but turned on at how aggressive she could get. He was gonna get her one way or another before he goes to college. Freshman or not.

AU: Story of my life , guys. Freshman year was NOT my best like I planned it to be, let me tell ya that. But I'm pretty sure sophomore year will be☺. I'm happy for that.

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