15· flirtatious 2 🔸

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After deciding whether to do thus date or not, Y/n gave in and finally decided to do it. She might get fucked later, but it's not like she wasn't thinking of it.

The woman sat in her comfortable chair in the board room, scrolling through her calendar chuckling to herself. She really didn't have anything planned.

"What got you smiling so much?" She looked up to see one of her close workers, Paul taking a seat next to her. She shook her head nothing, ready to start the meeting.


As of now, the meeting was over. Keith looked over at Y/n every now and then, giving her a seducive look. She gave an innocent one the whole time, getting ready for the after work shenanigans to come.

"So...You must have made your mind up?" She remain seated to the black chair, taking notes from earlier. She gave a nod, focusing on her work but feeling the eyes of her boss burning a hole through the view he had of her.

"Actually, I have. We can do the dinner, but make it quick because I have things to do after that." He chuckled and made his way to the woman.

"Y/n, you're 21 years old. You don't have to lie anymore." She sat her pen down, giving an amusing look to the man who sat next to her. He patted his lap, getting the attention of the young lady, making her get up and sit on it once again.

He sat face forward to him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Why are you so annoying, Mr. Powers ?"

"Why are you so sexy, Mrs. Powers?" She blushed and threw her head back a little.

"I can't answer that, but who said I wanted to be Mrs. Powers?" She smirked at the man who tightly held his grip on her hips.

"You about to see." He leaned in and Y/n did the same, feeling the soft lips of the older man. The duo were having a heated make out session.

Pulling away, Y/n wiped the saliva from her mouth onto her dress sleeve. That was the best kiss ever.

"Wow. Old men kiss the best I see." Keith smirked at her and grabbed her hand, making his way to the door, turning off the light.


After dinner Y/n and Keith made their way to his car. He insisted she ride with him to save her gas and time.

"Thanks. The food was good." She laughed to herself and Keith smiled opened the door for her. She got in and saw him walk fast to the other side.

She checked her phone to see it was 11:12, thinking it was time for her to go back home, but she wanted to spend every moment with Keith.


Y/n finally arrived to a big house, obviously confused. She looked over to Keith and furrowed her eyebrows.

"What are we doing here?"

"You're spending the night, right?" She thought about it and nodded her head, getting out the car.

"I don't even have a phone charger or clothes. I never even took my bath yet." She slightly pouted, making Keith lift her bridal style.

Y/n blushed a little like always and went with the flow. Don't think Y/n's stupid for this. She was a very down to earth girl but knew her limits.

The two arrived into the mansion, having Y/n amazed. She looked around as her eyes lit up at the lighting and decoration.

"This is so nice. You have great taste for a man."

"Thanks, but your mother n law did all this." He made his way to the room, still holding Y/n in his arms as if she were his wife.

He sat her on the bed and took her heels off, kissing her feet up to her legs, taking her dress off. Y/n didn't have a problem with any of this. She just let it come natural. It felt kinda different but still went with it.

"You're so sexy." He chuckled and began giving her wet kisses to her lips and face, making her kiss back but giggle. She was left in in her bra and panties on his bed, making out with him.

He laid her back on his King Size bed and left hickeys all down her chest and neck then between her legs.

"Ok, that's enough. Come back up." She blushed and gave him one last kiss and laid there for a while until he appeared from what she thought was the bathroom.

He arrived in the room with just Calvin Klein's briefs laying next to her. This felt so right. She turned his way and started rambling.

"What ima wear tomorrow?" Keith put his finger over her lips and began to feel sleepy.

"Just go to sleep, Y/n." He laughed at her behavior and she began falling asleep after giving her another kiss and pulling the sheets over them.

.I lost my thoughts with this. There was allot of switching, buttttt like I said, work with me❤✊. But anyone else noticed Keith's hair grows so fast!!!!!

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