12· make or break 🔹

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Y/n trailed behind Keith as he led the way to his star trailer. She didn't wanna go out today, but he insisted she come and she kinda wanted to see him while he was making his shows. She was very supportive of him and he needed and got a girl like Y/n as he wanted but She just wasn't up for it today, but she still went.

"Keith, are you sure about this ? It doesn't look like the other boys bought anyone with them here." She looked around feeling uncomfortable. He sucked his teeth and grabbed her arms, wrapping it around his waist.

"You're not going anywhere. You can stay, ok ? The other boys don't have anyone because they can't keep a girl " She nodded and looked up at him.

"Keep it pg." She pointed at him and he chuckled obeying her rules. He gave her a kiss and grabbed her hand, bringing her towards the set. The boys knew her so they gave her cheek kisses and hugs. She felt a little more at ease when the director said it was nice to meet her.

Y/n took a seat and had a little conversation with Algee. They had a great connection like brother and sister, but that's all. Algee had a crush on her, but she never paid attention, being all for Keith. She did find him attractive though.


The boys wrapped up their last scene and Keith came back to Y/n as she stood up giving him a kiss.

"You did good, babe." He smiled in return and grabbed her hand, going back to the trailer. The two settled in and Keith came back, putting Y/n's legs on his lap. He rubbed up her freshly shaven legs and started trailing his fingers to her heated core. Y/n smirked and grabbed Keith's face, kissing him and licking his bottom lip for entrance.

Keith's fat pink tongue made his way down her neck , making her moan as he also began lifting pencil skirt up. The man sucked, licked and kissed his girlfriend's neck, capturing the vulnerable girl under his spell.

Y/n started to spread her legs, getting ready to take her panties off for some bomb dick she thought she was about to receive.

"Mm, bab-" Y/n got cut off by Keith's iPhone ringtone. He continued on with his girlfriend and left love trails down her stomach and thighs.

Y/n took matters into her own hands and grabbed his phone, thinking it could be something dealing with his career. She fingerprint his phone and clicked on the message notification seeing 'Nina❤👅'.

She let him continue and saw the pictures of another girl sending him pictures with a black lace lingerie set.

"Hold the fuck up. What's this, Keith?" She threw the phone at him, sitting up and closing her legs. He sighed, taking the phone and throwing it on the couch. Y/n began picking up her panties and skirt with Keith watching her. This was all happening fast.

"Babe, it's not what you think. Listen t-" She jerked her arm back, getting ad allover again.

"No, Keith. You listen to me! I am so sick and tired of this shit. This has happened 3 times already. You know how many times I wanted to leave, but I stayed because I love you. I'm not about to keep stressing myself behind this shit. It's either get it together or I'm leaving, Keith. I'm serious." She wiped a tear from her long eyelash and fixed her skirt. She was about to walk out until Keith grabbed her, pulling her into the biggest hug ever.

"I'd never cheat on you, Y/n. I love you with every breathe in my body." She looked up at him and let out a tear , stepping back a bit.

"Then who's Nina, Tyree?" She called him by his nickname when she was sad. He looked down, grabbing her face, glaring in her eyes.

"You remember that night at the club last month? I'm gonna be completely honest. She kept texting me but with work and everything i didn't have enough time to block her. You can check my phone, babe. I never texted her back. love you too much to hurt you anymore, Y/n." Y/n had a tear falling down her cheek, instantly wiping it.

"Yeah, but you did it 2 other times, Keith." The two stood in the middle of the room, holding each other, letting their feelings run free.

"And I was an ass for that. It took me a long time to realize how much I loved you and i don't deserve you. I'm sorry for everything I put you through, Y/n. I just love you and i wanna be a happy family. I just need you to stay by my side like you've been doing and support me. Without you, I have nothing." She nodded and have her boyfriend a soft kiss on the lips, wrapping her short arms around his toned waist.

"I love you too, Keith. And I love you too much to let you go."

"I love you more. Now lets go home. The bed's calling me." He chuckled and picked Y/n up bridal style, running to the car.

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