19· water break 🔹

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Y/n walked around the house that her and her husband of 2 years shared. She made her way to the kitchen , craving some pasta. Waddling to the cabinets , she got everything she needed and made her something to eat.


After eating , Y/n saved her dishes , hearing the door open. Her socks led her to the living room seeing the love of her life walk in.
"Hey , baby." She pecked his lips as he took a seat on the couch , calling her over.
"Wassup, baby mami." She laughed at the nickname he made for her and sat beside him. He gave her a crazy look making her confused.
"If you don't get ya ass on this lap." She giggled and sat in her partner's lap, looking in his face, pecking his plump lips again.
The two were having a heated make out session while Keith trailed his fingers down to her throbbing core , pulling her panties down. He felt she was really wet and began smirking into the kiss.

"Damn, babe. You this wet for me?" He pulled his fingers away making Y/n look down. Her eyes widened at the fact her water just broke.
"Oh- oh my God. Keith my water just broke!" Keith panicked and ran around the living room for a good 10 seconds, not knowing what to do.
"Keith! I'm over here!" His forehead repeatedly produced sweat as he lifted his wife bridal style, rushing his way to the hospital. 


Y/n laid in the hospital bed, ready to have her babyboy. The contractions were coming and she just wanted to have this baby already. She heard having a baby hurt, but not this type of pain.
"Hey , Mrs. Powers. You're about to have your baby boy, yeah. What I want you to do is push your hardest on 3 , ok, mom ?" Y/n took a breather and nodded calmly.

The doctor spread her legs and told her to push. Y/n inhale and exhaled,pushing on 3. This shit was painful. Keith held her hand, rubbing her forehead. She squeezed his hand hardly and gripping it to where the veins were poking out.
She hissed and pushed once more , feeling her walls stretch out and she knew her baby was coming.
"Ahh!" Her baby slipped out , letting out a faint cry. She smiled and looked up at Keith who gave her a kiss on the lips and forehead that held sweat and curls sticking to it. She wanted to hold her baby , but sleep took over her.


Y/n woke up 3 hours later, wiping the tiredness from her eyes and looking around.
"Where's my baby ?" She heard the chuckles of her family members who surrounded her. They gave her hugs and kisses and had conversations. After everyone was gone, Keith and Y/n were having a conversation then heard the door open.
"Hey , mom. How are you feeling ?" She got excited when she saw her baby in the roller bed.
"Better." she nodded and chuckled as they nurse handed her the baby. She cheesed at how handsome he was.
The nurse exited the room, leaving the couple and their baby.

"Hey , Kyree. Hey , baby boy." Y/n played with his fingers and kissed his forehead. Keith smiled as his wife had a mother moment with their baby.
"Look your daddy, Ky." Keith smiled and took his son from her , laying in the bed with her. He placed his the baby on his chest, caressing him and talking to Y/n.


Y/n got tired again and so did Keith. He put the baby in the roller bed and laid back down next to Y/n with her head on his chest.
She smiled and fell asleep, still surprised she had her baby. Kyree Lane Powers.

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