7· nurse Powers 3 🔹

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Pulling in the parking lot of the hospital, Y/n's mom put her car in park, getting down. Grabbing her phone, Y/n closed her door, skipping to the lobby.

"I see you're up and moving." Mrs. Parker, a caregiver smiles as Y/n passes her up, giving a small wave.

"She's never stopped yet. She won her game yesterday and let me tell you."

"Come on mom!" Y/n yelled as she pressed the elevator button, going to the 6th floor. Today was her monthly check up, and she couldn't wait to see Keith.

Stepping out the elevator, Y/n waited as her mom went over to check her in for her appointment. Signing their signature, a nurse lead them to Nurse Powers's room.

"You have a patient, Keith." His face held a smile as the girl took a seat on the soft table, crossing her legs. Her mom took a seat also, getting on her phone.

"Guess what, KP."

"You made straight A's."

"Not only that." She showed him the red scratch on her knee.

"You won a game?"

"Damn right."

"Language, young lady."

"I told ya. Now where's my 20?" She stuck her hand out, Keith placing a 20 dollar bill in hee hand.

"You been putting cream on?"


"Step on the scale for me." Taking her shoes off, Y/n stood on the scale, putting all her weight on it.

"You've gained 10 pounds in the last 2 weeks."

"I needed carbs."

"You need to slow down, you're getting fat."

"Maybe I don't give a fuck. Mom, you can get my cream, this visit is over, I'm going wait in the car." Y/n jerked her shoes from the ground, stomping out the room.

Seeing her mom exit the hospital, Y/n sat up in her seat, buckling her seat belt.

"What was that about?"

"He called me fat, transfer me to another doctor, I refuse to come to a nigger who calls me fat. I'm a teenage girl, you expect me to take it easy? Let's just go please."

"Whatever you say." Y/n's mom started the car, going to get her something to eat.

Hearing her phone ding, Y/n sat in bed, watching an episode of Chewing Gum. She ignored the noise her phone made until an unimportant part was on.

'you mad at me Y/n?'

'Leave me alone Keith'

'Im not gonna leave you alone til you tell me what I did.'

'Bitch you called me fat'

'you just called me out my name too'

'Idgaf' Her phone began ringing showing Keith, being that she changed the name soon as he said the f word.

"What Keith?"

"I just wanted to hear your voice."

"You heard it now by-"

"I'm sorry if I offended you. I didn't mean to call you fat."

"Well you did and it hurt my feelings."

"I'm sorry again. You're thick in all the right places, I appreciate your curves. Your curves are beautiful."

"Mhm, be careful with your words next time."

"Shut up and I see your butt has gotten bigger. I was gonna grab you, but I forgot your mom was in the room."

"Squats are my best friends."

"But ever talk to me like that again, I'm taking you down in the room, mom watching or not."

"Whatever, I'll believe it when I see it." Her mom walked in, grabbing the remote.

"Time for bed." She nodded as her mom exited, turning the Tv off.

"I'll call you tomorrow."

"Good night."

"Goodnight." Hanging up the phone, placing it on the charger. A smiled came upon her face, cuddling into her large teddy.

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