9· boss's daughter 🔹

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"Dad, why can't I just stay home this time ? I don't wanna go to work with you. Can I please please stay home this time ?" Y/n pleaded her dad to stay home and housesit, but he didn't trust her due to earlier unexpected parties and mostly she was too young to stay home by herself for 8+ hours.

"No. Now go wait in the truck." She stomped like the bratty kid she is and waited in the vehicle, not even putting on her seatbelt, which she knew her dad was about to correct on. A few minutes later, her dad appeared and put his practice gear in the backseat where Y/n sat to ignore her dad.

"Sit back there all you want, you only have your way when your mother is there. And I'm not your mom, sweetie." The teen rolled her eyes and put on her headset, putting her head on the window, letting the music take over.

The coach and his daughter showed up to the football field 30 minutes later. Y/n took her headset off , placing it on the seat and got out slamming the truck door, folding her arms. Her dad gave her a stern look ,she secretly rolled her eyes, following behind him. After walking across the field, Y/n made her way into her father's office, having a seat.

"I'll be out there for about-- I'll see you when I get back in here. The vending machine's down the hall and the bathroom on the other side of the wall."

"Dad, I know. I've been here over a million times. Now go so I can watch my movie." Her father nodded and exited the room, leaving her alone already making herself at home. Crossing her legs on the desktop, she dimmed the room light and began flipping through flicks.

Getting a little tired and hungry, Y/n sat up from the chair, stretching and yawning. 'bomb ass movie.' Y/n thought. She put her shoes back on and made her way down the hallway which held the vending machines and water fountains.

"You must really know your way around here ,huh?" Y/n jumped a little turning around, seeing Keith, a former player for her dad's team. She smiled a little and bend down to get her snack. The boy eyed her closely, licking his top lip at her body.

"Yeah, you could say that." She shrugged simply and turned towards him. "Why aren't you out there practicing?" She asked.

"Water break." She looked down at his waterbottle(the other one👅) and seen it needed to be hydrated. Nodding in understanding, she began walking back to her dad's office munching on her snacks and drink adding a dip of switch to her walk.

Keith's clouded brown orbs got hypnotized by her body and quickly burned a hole through her back, going down to the arch in her back then eventually her plump ass. He bit his bottom lip, wiping the remaining sweat on his forehead, filling his water bottle up. After doing so, to get out the building, he had to pass in front the coach's office which meant he would be seeing Y/n again.

"Hey, what's your name ?" Y/n's snack time and movie was interrupted by the boy talking to entering the office.

"Y/n and you ?"

"Keith. But that's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl if you ask me." He smirked and walked over to her as she put her legs down from the desktop.

"And that was the corniest pick up line if you ask me." She mocked his words and played along with his behavior. She didn't care if her dad walked in, he should've let her stay at home in the first place.

"And how much you wanna but that pick up line got them panties wet , Y/n?" He said her name 2 seconds late, thinking it worked on her. He could tell she was gonna be a tough cookie just by how dark her eyes were. He's done with girls that compared to Y/n in looks, but not vibes.

"Nah, these panties been wet, baby boy. What you would wanna do is take your little boner and go back out on that field." Her finger gestured toward the field behind the door as he looked at her breasts jiggled slightly.

"What you would wanna do is shut that shit up. You don't know me and what this dick could do. Don't get shit fucked up, Y/n." She had her perfectly shaped eyebrow arched and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"What you would wanna do is stop mooching with coach's daughter and bring yo ass back to that field. He's looking for you. Wassup, Y/n." It was Odell standing at the door.

"Hey, bro." She exchanged as Keith walked over to the door. He looked back at her as she got back comfortable and cocked her legs up.

"This ain't over, Y/n."

"I don't plan it to be." They exchanged looks and went back to doing their own things.

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