41· enough 2 🔸

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Keith and his wife, Drew got settled into bed as she rambled on. The couple got comfortable in their queen size , Drew intertwining their fingers.

"And I met one of Keisha's other friends today. I think her name was Y/n or something like that. When Keis-" Keith tensed up at the name, getting up from the bed, running into the bathroom and started to vomit. Drew sat in bed confused at his actions. She got up and went to check on him.

"That Chinese food got me fucked up." He lied and went to the sink, brushing his teeth and rinsing. His short wife wrapped her arms around his waist, kissing his toned back. His back muscles shivered , remembering Y/n did this the day before. He couldn't keep living like this and not telling his wife.

"Come on, shorty." He lifted his wife, walking back into the bedroom kissing her neck. She moaned his name, throwing her head back. The man stripped his partner naked, flipping them over. Drew climbed onto his lap, sliding down onto his shaft she hadn't felt in 2 months.

"Mmmmm." She let out a long moan with a breathy sigh following behind. All he wanted to imagine is the best of the situation right now. If Y/n wanted to break up, it probably would be best for him to stay away, but he knew that wasn't gonna happen.

Y/n sat up in her bed, rubbing her stomach from her cramps. She limped to the bathroom, resting her hands on the sink top. She looked at her face seeing it was shiny and her face was getting fat. She looked down at her body and saw her thighs a little bigger. She turned to the side, poking her belly out, pretending a baby was in there. She smiled at the thought of how her and Keith's kid would look.

Feeling another cramp, she groaned and slowly walked to her room, sliding on her fenty slippers. She snatched her keys from the glass bowl, making her way to her jeep. She drove to Lake Martin's hospital, getting out her vehicle.

After 20 minutes of waiting, Y/n was finally called into a waiting room. She sat on the table that held plastic which irritated her legs. She heard the door open, looking up to see a female doctor, giving her a delight smile.

"Hi, Mrs. Y/l/n. What happens to be wrong?"

"My stomach's been cramping for over 10 hours and I don't know what's wrong. I tried to use the bathroom, but that's not the case. "

"Oh, lay down for me." She did so and the doctor pressed against her stomach, making Y/n wince in pain and grip the side of the tables.

"Have you missed your cycle?"

"Yes, but sometimes it comes late most months." The doctor nodded, leaving the room. She came back with a cup, handing it to Y/n. She went to the nearest bathroom and slid the micro retainer in the slot.

Y/n slowly walked back to the room, taking a seat back onto the table. Waiting for 15 minutes, another doctor walked in with a clipboard and papers. He took a seat, giving a big smile to Y/n. She gave him a confused look, crossing her legs.

"Are you ready for your news?" She nodded, ready for the worst. She already knew she was pregnant. Just by her early cravings and emotions. He handed her a envelope and pictures. It was her lab results.

"You're pregnant. Congrats,mom." Her heart dropped, giving a small smile. A tear slipped from her gray colored eyes.

"Nothing to worry about. You have the choices to abort or-"

"Oh, no. I'm gonna keep my baby. It's just it's gonna be my first kid and I'm nervous as hell." She laughed to herself, wiping her tear.

"Would you like to see your baby?" She nodded and did as told, feeling the cold jelly on her tummy. She giggled a little and looked at the screen, seeing static. After moving the controller on her belly, she saw a small ball sitting there. She was amazed by the whole thing. She stared at the baby figure, smiling at her baby.

"It's so small." The doctor chuckled and moved it around once more, letting her hear a heartbeat.

"Your baby looks perfectly healthy. Is the father gonna be around?" She thought about it and nodded, knowing it would've been whatever to Keith.

He cleaned her abdomen, making her sit up after. Y/n sat up and fixed her messy hair. She wiped her eyes getting off the table. The 21 year old had so much on her mind, her head almost exploded. Getting back into her car, she went to Little Caesars and got 2 boxes. Making her way back home, she got settled in and decided to call her best friend, Keisha picking up on the second ring.

"Hey, Keisha can you come over?" She whispered into her phone.

"Bitch why you whispering?" Y/n shrugged like Keisha could see her.

"Just come over please. I have pizza." She heard the line go dead and began picking the pepperoni off her slices until Keisha came. A little while later , she heard her doorbell ring. She got up, seeing her best friend through the peep hole. She hugged her into the house, going back take a seat.

"Before you talk, girl what happened at the mall the yesterday? You just left our asses in a hurry." Y/n nodded, putting her pizza down.

"I'll tell you that later, but I just found out some big news. I don't know what to do now." Keisha nodded for her to continue, eating her pizza.

"I'm p- I'm pregnant, Keisha." Her eyes popped out her head, putting pizza down. She sat closer to Y/n waiting for more details.

"Problem is it's Drew's husband, Keith's baby." Keisha stood up, looking down at Y/n. A tear escaped from her eye, leaving Y/n confused. She should be the one crying.

"I trusted you. Now you got me thinking what about my future husband. You were supposed to tell me everything. I WAS your best friend and you didn't even try to tell me this shit? Yo, you really dragged me out my fuckin house at 1am to tell me you have a baby for another woman's husband, and thinking this shitty ass pizza is gonna help? I thought you were better than that , Y/n. You're fuckin sad."

"Kei-" Before she could finish, Keisha slammed her door, making one of her pictures fall of the wall. She sat there crying at her situation. She wanted Keith but he was married and now she lost her ex best friend and she's pregnant. Wiping her tears, Y/n's closed, making sleep take it's shift.

Keith stared lazily at the ceiling, thinking hard about Y/n. Its been 2 days since they've had connection. He wondered what she's doing, how she's doing, and if she had moved on already. The main thought that stayed on his mental is 'is she still thinking about me, too?'. Keith saw Drew enter the room from peripheral vision, not enhancing her presence. She crawled under his arm, kissing his stubby beard.

"Everything ok, babe?" He nodded pulling her closer. She closed her eyes, sniffing in his scent.

"Yeah. Just go to sleep." He sighed, closing his brown eyes, falling quickly asleep. He felt a vein twitching in his forehead, meaning he had too much on his mind. He couldn't stop the affair between them two. Not now.

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