34· valentine's girl 🔹

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6yearsold :

Y/n and Keith sat in the sand box, filling their toys trucks up with the gritty substance. The two kids constantly looked at each other, smiling.

"Why are you looking at me like that, Keef?" Keith snapped out his thoughts, looking at Y/n. His butter washed cheeks turned into tomatoes. The school bell rung which saved Keith from finding an answer to Y/n's question.

"Come on, best fwen." Y/n and Keith walked back to their kindergarten class, taking a seat.

"As you can tell, kids, Valentine's day is tomorrow. Everyone should have a Valentine. Now, kids don't be scared to bring cards to your little crush." She chuckled and Y/n felt Keith grab her hand under the table. She jumped a little, but smiled at the feeling of his warm, sweaty palms.

A rush of blood ran to her cheeks, making the little girl blush heavily. The two held hands until the class was over. Keith Knew who his Valentine was gonna be.

16yearsold :

Keith made his way to his best friend's, Y/n's house. It was close to Valentine's day, and he wanted to ask her out as a girlfriend, more than just a Valentine's. He was scared she would've said no, but it was worth a try. He was gonna walk to that house, and say what he felt. If things went wrong, it could've drift them apart , but -

"Fuck it." He knocked onto her door, hearing her small footprints. He smiled once he saw the pretty girl in front of him.

"Hey, best." She opened the door more for him, letting him in her house,which smelt of lavender and vanilla.

"You look pretty today , Y/n." He sat on her couch as she went to get them bottles of water. Truth is, Y/n made herself look cute for Keith. She always did have a crush on him since they were 12. They've known each other way before that, but that's when her girl senses kicked in.

She walked back over to her best friend,sitting on his lap. She dug her head into his neck as he inhaled her exclusive natural scent.

"Y/n, I ha-" He was cut off by hearing her light snores. He sighed and lifted her bridal style, bringing her to her room.

The nest day, Keith made his way to school early, getting out and going straight to Y/n's locker. He had a bouquet of roses, her ultimate favorite, a teddy bear with chocolates connected to the stomach a card and rose petals. He loved Y/n very much and he made sure she knew he wanted her.

Throwing her hair into a messy bun, Y/n threw on her olive utility jacket and made her way to the bus stop. She sat in frustration due to the fact all her friends would be doing something with their boyfriends as a couple and going places, getting stuff and mostly sharing love. She wished  Keith would make a move already.

As the bus stop, she saw boys with balloons and teddy bears, walking into the school. She sighed and got down, lazily walking into the hallway. She decided she didn't want breakfast so she went to her locker earlier today. She did her combination and instantly saw rose petals fall out.

"Oh. My. God!" The petals fell as she pulled out the teddy bear, card and rose bouquet. She smiled but also was amazed. She opened the card to see cursive hand writing.

'Dear Y/n , Happy Valentine's Day. I was afraid you wouldn't want to be my Valentine so I decided to write this. I'm closer to you than you think, you might not want me. Just know I love you with all my heart, Y/n. Ps: save me a candy:)

"Keith?" She looked around and saw him talking to some of his friends. She ran up to him and pounced onto him, earning a laugh from Woody and Algee.

"I love you to, Keith." She kissed his lips over and over, earning a chuckle from him.

"I love you too, Princess. Will you be my girlfriend now?" She nodded frantically and smiled in his face. Y/n was beyond happy.

After school, Y/n and Keith spent the night at his house making themselves dinner. His parents left, leaving them two alone.

"I love you so much, baby." Y/n kissed her boyfriend's nose and cheek. Basically his whole face.

"I love you too, honey." Keith laughed and enjoyed the company of his girlfriend.

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