47· garden hose 2 🔸

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Y/n woke up, wiping leftover drool from around her mouth. She began to wipe the tiredness from her eyes, sitting up from Keith's chest. Keith's chest?! Y/n's eyebrows furrowed, waking him up. He groaned not budging.

"Dude, wake up. We gotta go." Y/n tapped her home button seeing it was 6:08. Her eyes widened realizing they've been asleep for almost 3 hours. Keith still hadn't woken up, making Y/n pull his arm off the couch. His head hit the hard cushion, him quickly waking up in a rage. Keith rubbed his head and eyes, sitting up.

"What the fuck, man!" Y/n rolled her eyes, putting back on her shoes.

"How we gonna leave and you ain't even got a key?" Y/n groaned, forgetting she didn't have a key. She's always losing something, but her auntie was supposed to back by now.

"Fuck!" Y/n moaned in agony, plopping herself back onto the couch. She grabbed her phone calling her aunt. It went straight to voicemail, Y/N getting even more pissed. She heard Keith chuckle, crossing his arms.

"Go put on a fucking shirt." She took her shoes off, going back into the kitchen. Y/n grabbed a coke and pack of crackers going back into the living room. She saw Keith sprawled out on to the couch, hands behind his head. She saw his pubes under his arms that held mini deodorant creases, also seeing his tracksuit pants below his vline, revealing a hint of his member pubes. Her top row of teeth bit her lip, walking fully into the living room.

Y/n fixed herself, going to lay on the other couch. The girl laid on her stomach, sinking deep into the couch. Keith looked over at her, seeing her phat bottom sticking into the air. She wasn't doing it on purpose, her ass was just big. Y/n began eating her crackers, seeing Keith eyeing her body down from peripheral vision. She turned his way, licking all the salt off the cracker.

Keith's friend in his thin material pants, stood up giving a round of applause. Y/n's long tongue turned him on. The boy looked down, patting it down a little to play it off. He saw she smirked looking back at the TV. Y/n knew exactly what she was doing. After finishing her snack, Y/n sat her coke on the ground, making it spill.

"Shux." She hissed, running to the kitchen to get some paper towels. She went back to the living room, bending over to wipe it up. Her cheeks were plump in her blue jeans, making Keith get hard again. Hearing a groan, Y/n looked behind her seeing Keith holding his jack, head cocked back. He had done sat up by now. Smirking, Y/n placed on her knees, arching her back to get the remaining beverage under the rug. She looked over at Keith, winking before getting back up.

He watched as the girl disappeared into the kitchen. He followed after her seeing she was bent over in the kitchen, picking up lord knows what. He crept behind her , pressing his boner against her ass. He heard the young girl gasp.

"You see what your little virgin ass did? I could fuc-" Y/n and Keith were cut off by hearing the front door open.

"Y/n? Keith?" She saw them in the kitchen, Keith pretending to dig in her cabinets. She smiled at the fact she could've trust them in the same room.

"Y'all can go now." She placed her purse on the counter.

"Where have you been?"

"The casino. Didn't win shit, buttt, it was a'ight. What y'all did?" Y/n laughed at her wanna be gangster attitude and cussing.

"Nothing much. Took a nap and watched some movies. Keith here is actually very interesting." She patted his shoulder which was 5 inches taller than her. He smiled at Betty, nodding.

"Ok, its late. Y'all can go. Keith ima see you Thursday afternoon." He nodded, walking back to the front door. Y/n followed behind after giving her aunt a kiss and hug goodbye. The two youngins mad their way to Y/n's car, getting in.

"Yo shit nice." Y/n responded with a thank you. She started her car, pulling out the driveway.

"So you gonna act like that just didn't happen?"

"What happen?"

"Lil girl, you gave me a boner earlier. Don't act like you forgot, nigga."

"Fuck you nigga. Where you live at?" She typed in the address, making her way over there. She pulled up to his house, seeing he lived in a trailer with a car.

"Ok, so you have a vehicle, but you just wasted my gas?" He laughed getting out.

"Funny. But bye, Y/n."

"Bye, Keith." She watched him walk into the shabby trailer, closing his door to the mobile home. She wondered if he was poor or just wanted a simple life.

"Beats me." She shrugged making her way home.

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