46· garden hose 🔹

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'all he hit me with is come and see me for once come and see me for once. You don't ever come to me, you don't ever come to meee.' Y/n sung PARTYNEXTDOOR which was booming through her 2015 Camaro. She was on her way to her auntie's house to help with moving her furniture. It's the least she could do since she didn't have anything else to do. Pulling into the driveway, she got out her car, making her way to the door. She heard footsteps come closer, revealing a tall caramel boy. Y/n's eyebrows furrowed as she looked him up and down. What was this man she didn't even know doing in her aunt's house? She pushed pass him, walking into the house.

"Aunt Betty!" Keith watched the girl as she walked halfway upstairs, yelling for her aunt. All the while, the elderly woman was sitting on her couch.

"Have you seem my aunt?" Keith sneered, pointing at the woman on her beige couch in the corner. Y/n walked over to Betty, taking her earphones off. Betty looked like she wanted to murder Y/n.

"What you want, child? I know you see me trying to hear my bingo series. What if I miss it?" Keith laughed a little, walking into the kitchen, going to get a glass of lemonade. He came back, taking a seat on the recliner.

"Who's this?"

"Oh, this is Keith, my new gardener. You don't have to worry about helping with the furniture today. Y/n, this is Keith. Keith, this is my niece, the one I've been telling you about." Keith looked Y/n up and down and seeing she was the total complete opposite of what Betty described. She surely didn't look like a little girl.

Y/n awkwardly waved, sending a small smile his way. His pearly whites were exposed to Y/n's brown orbs, making her go into awe. That was the brightest smile she'd ever seen. His teeth were so white and straight.

"So, what do you need me to do? Have you ate yet? Did you take your medicine? You exce-"

"Y/n, I did that already. Don't worry yourself. You can go home if you want to. You don't have to stay."

"Nah, one of Drake's girlfriends are there again. And I wasn't about to listen or be around that mess, if you know what I mean." Betty nodded, getting up, putting her shoes on.

"Where you going?"

"Down to the bingo hall. Take care of the house while I'm gone. Ima be back later on. Give Keith a ride when he's done at 3 o'clock." Betty raced off to her car, shutting the door and driving off. Y/n sighed, closing her aunt's door. Keith stood at the stairwell with a confused face.

"Well, what are you looking at, get to work." She shooed Keith away, him smirking at her attitude. If she wasn't so young, he'd fuck her little virgin ass senseless. He grabbed a bag of dirt, making his way over to the flower pots. He got to work with Y/n on the inside, thinking of what she'll do with another person, a man at that for 4 hours. She couldn't just leave her aunt's house to a stranger, nice or not, so she just made herself comfortable, watching TV.

Y/n got hungry, deciding to find a couple of snacks. She began to raid her aunt's cabinets,  grabbing 2 chips and a popcorn. She placed her popcorn in the microwave, going over to the fridge, reaching for a glass bottle of coke. Her aunt always kept those. Getting up from her leaning position, she turned around to see Keith standing there with no shirt.

"Shit! You scared me." Y/n's hand went over her chest in panic attack mode. He chuckled as his abs flexed from the joints moving. Y/n's mouth watered at the sight, thinking of how many ways she can ride his dick. She watched as he began chugging his beverage down, Adam's Apple throbbing and some leaking down onto his chest. Keith wanted to tease her for her nasty behavior earlier in the day on purpose. Her panties soaked as she let a breathe of relief, wiping the drink from his mouth viciously.

"See you, ma'am." Keith walked back outside, Y/n still watching his back muscles flex. Her thoughts were cut off by a smoking smell.

"Shit!" Y/n ran over to the microwave, taking her overcooked popcorn out, getting punched in the fave with smoke. The smoke alarm went off, making her run upstairs and turn it off. She went back downstairs, making her another one, returning to her movie. While Keith worked his ass off in the sun, Y/n sat in the cool house, enjoying her own company.

After 2 hours of mowing and snipping dead grass, Keith walked back into the cool house, catching a shiver. His feet led him to the living room seeing Y/n into the movie.

"Ooh, my favorite movie." Y/n was viewing Brotherly Love on Netflix. He sat beside her, taking the bowl of popcorn. Y/n looked him up and down, but let him get some.

"We should get going now. Its 2:30."

"Wait a while. I don't plan on going home right now and plus, I lost my key to the house." He nodded in understanding, continuing to watch the movie. Y/n smelled his manly odors, run ring her nose up.

"You stink."

"you sexy." Keith grumbled under his breath, resting his arms that held green veins against the sofa arm. Y/n heard exactly what he said. She got a little intimidated and scooted away from him, going back to the movie.

1 hour into the movie, Y/n began to doze off into a deep sleep. Air condition and a good movie did it fro her and it was time for her to take her daily nap. Keith seen she had fallen asleep, resting his head into his right hand, closing his eyes. The young man began falling alseep, forgetting he had to leave sometime.

After 4 hours of playing and running around jacking the slot machines, Betty decided to go back home, seeing her niece and Keith were still there. She unlocked her door and walked in the living room, seeing Keith and Y/n were sleeping next to each other. Y/n's head was in Keith's chest while his head was against the arm of the couch. She let them nap, leaving again.

"Here I come!" Aunt Betty made her way back to the casino ready to spend all her bucks.

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