38· who's you 🔹

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"Bye , girl." Y/n laughed and made her way to her vehicle her parents purchased for her 16th birthday. She made her way back home, just wanting to watch Netflix and take a bath. She had just came from volleyball practice. Pulling into the driveway, Y/n saw her mom's boyfriend jeep in the garage. Y/n heavily sighed, getting her duffel bag and exiting her car.

"Hey, mom. Hey , Joe." She rolled her eyes, walking upstairs to her spacious room. It was a very comfortable place for her and her walls made it easy to block out the sex noises with her mom and made.

"Ahh! Mom! Mama!" She saw a tall boy sniffing her underwear and bras. She heard her mom and Joe come upstairs, laughing a little.

"Oh, I see you've met Keith. Y/n, this is Keith. Keith this is my daughter Y/n." Y/n looked down to see him still holding her panties.

"Gimme this! Why the fuck was he in my room, sniffing my underclothes?! I don't even know him and he's a fucking creep! Joe , please tell you- this thing something. You should ashamed of yourself." Y/n's face was red as Keith's cheeks also were. Both of the teens blood rushed to their face, good and bad.

"I'm s-" The teen put her finger in the air, telling everyone to get out. Her mom tried to talk to her, but she slammed the door, wanting peace and space before shit got crazy. Y/n sat on her fluffy comforter, getting pissed allover again. She hated the fact her mom always had a different man every other month. 2 years ago, her mom dated a guy by the name of Damond and he tried to touch her. She wanted to go live with her dad, but he's struggling to get by on his own. Her parents split due to her dad being a drug addict. She still loved him by the end of the day, aside what anyone had to say about him.

Y/n stepped into the hot shower, relaxing her muscles, grabbing her coconut body wash. She took her scrunchy out , releasing her low bun. Her curls ran wild as she rinsed her hair. She moisturized and washed herself, then stepping out the shower. The cold air punched her skin, making her instantly rush into her bedroom.

She dried the water from her body and got dressed, grabbing her homework, going downstairs. She was gonna do her homework upstairs but it was kinda hot from the shower fog. Sitting on the couch, she turned the Tv to 'Are you the one?' and made herself comfortable. Y/n listened to the characters voices, getting a glimpse now and then at the show.

"And the winner-" She looked up to see Keith had turned the channel. He glanced back at her , smiling and cocking his feet on the table.

"We not even gonna start that." Y/n growled.

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