27· come over 🔹

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Honestly, i don't even know why I woke up and going straight watch the BET Awards. Keith was on there, but I felt like dancing or some sort. I'm confused but I find myself having an imaginary conversation with K.P about f- just continue .

Y/n stood by her window pain, watching the rain fall. She hated the rain especially at night time. Making her way back to the bed, she texted her boyfriend, Keith to come over and keep her company. Her parents were currently in the Bahamas for their 15th year anniversary where she know damn well it was bright and shining. Y/n quickly went to kitchen after hearing a thunder clap, occupying herself.

"Hurry." Her boyfriend chuckled at her coward ness over the phone and hung up, rushing over to her. 10 minutes later, she heard the doorbell ring and went to open it for her boyfriend. Skipping happily from the kitchen leaving her bowl of ice cream to the door. She opened it revealing Keith in gray sweats and a white t-shirt with his black parka.

"Hey,baby." She wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him. She closed the door as he went raid their fridge. She laughed and ran in there to see him eating her ice cream.

"Gimmeeee." She pouted and took the bowl, starting to eat again. He watched his girlfriend as her mouth licked around the spoon. She blushed and looked at him for a while.

"What?" She giggled going save her bowl in the one piece sink. She turned around to meet her face with Keith's neck. She wrapped her short arms around his buff waist. She was short compared to the tall caramel boy that stood in front her.

"I love yo short ass,ma." She giggled once more and grabbed his hand, leading him to her room. She closed her door and he laid against her headboard,taking his shoes and parka off,resting his arms behind his head. Y/n took her clothes off, putting on one of Keith's big shirts on. He watched her actions closely then getting back on his phone.

Y/n laid her head on his chest,listening to his heart beat. Keith put his phone down,wrapping his arm around the figure that was in his lap. He stroked her hair, caressing her back which made her fall fast asleep.

2 hours later , Y/n woke up on her side with the covers over her. She heard noises downstairs, tonight was probably Keith in the fridge again. Getting up from her bed, she saw the rain had calmed down a little. The glare of the tv brightness faded as she closed the door. She appeared in the kitchen to see Keith by the toaster.

"Someone's finally awake." She sat her plump butt on the counter, crossing her firm legs. She nodded and smiled playing in her dark hair. He walked up to her, giving her a deep kiss. She didn't know what it was for but she kissed back, wrapping her arms around his neck. Keith scooted closer in between her legs, pushing her chest closer to his. Pulling away, Y/n blushed and pecked his lips once more before jumping off the counter.

"I'm going take a swim. Ya comin?" He followed quickly after his girlfriend in the backyard who was already taking the shirt off. She was left in her PINK set with her cheeky underwear. She looked back at Keith and shook her ass a little then jumping into the pool. He chuckled and did a cannon after her, going underwater. Y/n swam onto the other side,getting chased by Keith.

"Ahh!baby, sto-" Before she could finish her sentence be threw her into the bottom of the pool. It was still drizzling but Y/n still wanted to get wet.

After splashing, chasing, swimming and even kissing, Keith and Y/n were tired. Y/n began to swim to the surface of the pool and got out a the rim with water dripping from her.

Keith watched as her cheeks clapped together getting Keith's attention. He looked down and saw his meat size increasing in the briefs he had on. He swam to her knowing she'll probably say no to have sex. At least its worth a try. Keith looked at his girlfriend's juicy breasts and hard nipples from the cold air, just getting out the pool.

"Close it. You'll catch flies." She chuckled and got up,going back into the house. He saw how her cheeks bounced in the panties and chased after her.

"Not today." He picked her up bridal style, making his way to her bedroom.

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