24· separation 4 🔸

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Hey, loves. Everyone thinks it's gonna be Keith or Michelle who's in the hospital. You'll just have to see,babes.❤

Y/n's pen dropped onto the cold marble floor , with her eyes still widened. She couldn't believe what was sitting in front of her.

"Terrance? Omg what are you- I never seen you in so long! I miss you!" Y/n hugged her ex boyfriend from her college years. They hooked up 2x before she made it official.

He chuckled and hugged her back, kissing her cheek. The two were the best of friends before Y/n met Keith and he snatched her right in his grip.

"I passed out, but I'm fine now since I've seen you. I missed you so much , Y/n. After you told me no, my world crashed down." He grabbed Y/n's hand and kissed it.

"Mm. I miss you so much. I knew I would find you." She smiled and began checking his info and blood pressure.

The day went by pretty fast and Y/n made her way home, smiling and getting out her car. She made her way to the door, opening and picking up the mail off the front rug. She looked through it and placed it on the coffee table.

She made her way upstairs, going to take a shower and eat dinner. She ate some leftover pizza and drunk some boba to wash it down. Y/n made her way to the living room, seeing she had missed some of Love&Hip-hop.

"Shit." Before she sat down she heard her doorbell ring. She looked through her peep hole seeing it was Terrance. She smiled and opened it, taking him into a hug. He walked in and took his shoes off, going to her couch. He was always comfortable around her.

"Its good to see you." She sat beside him and paused the Tv, facing towards him.

"So what you doing out here? What happened to getting married and staying in Cali?" Terrance proposed to her, she ended up saying no and his dream was to be with her and spend forever with her.

"Long story short. I got married, my wife cheated on me with some dude Keith, some shit like that. She was his assistant and they were fucking around. He had a wife. I heard everything they planned. After about 3 months, she got pregnant and I wasn't taking the shit no more. So I move down here, hoping I could get my life back together." Y/n sat there and wiped her tear falling down her high cheek bone.

"Michelle?" He quickly looked up to her.

"How'd you know?"

"Keith was my husband and he cheated on me. Must've been Michelle, his assistant. " He groaned and gave her a tight hug, wiping her tears. She wiped her tears, pulling away from the hug.

"No, its ok, Terrance. Its fine. It happened a long time ago. Its time for me to let it go."She wiped her eyes with her sweater sleeve , gulping the dryness she had in her throat. She looked up at Terrance and leaned in giving him a kiss. Their lips moved in sync, Terrance pulling at Y/n's lip, gripping her ass.

Y/n pulled away, pressing her forehead against his.

"I think you should go. I'm sorry, I just I ju-" He cut her off by nodding and leaving, closing the door silently. She wrapped her arms around herself, falling asleep on her plush couch.

Keith made his way to Michelle's house to pick up his daughter, Milan. He loved his daughter so much, but every time he stared at her, he thought of Y/n. She was Michelle's daughter, but looked so much of Y/n.

"Daddy!" He picked up his 2 year old daughter, kissing her all over her cheeks. He grabbed his daughter's weekend bag and went over to see her mom sleeping. Michelle wasn't a good mom at all to Milan. Keith couldn't take it anymore. He was gonna take his daughter away from here. He sighed and rolled his eyes slamming the door and putting his daughter in the car, racing out the driveway.

He stopped to the grocery store, getting Milan some snacks and made his way back home, getting her out the car and straight upstairs since it was late. He took his baby a bath and went to his room.

"Come on, baby girl." He grabbed her tiny arm and wrapped his arms around her small figure. He smiled at his little angel as she balled up into his arms, falling fast asleep.

"I love you, Princess." He fell sound asleep , pulling the covers over them.

Milan in media❤❤


This was short and blahhhh, but I should be adding another part. Still love you guys❤❤

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