36· home 🔹

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Flashback: 3 years ago

"Keith! I never cheated on you! You should know that you stupid fuck!" Y/n made her way upstairs, being followed by her boyfriend of 4 years, Keith. He followed her into the bedroom where she was rushing to get her already packed bags.

"So you were planning to leave me? Huh?" He walked closer to her as she backed up a little. She was always intimidated by his tallness. His orbs were darker than ever. He had anger problems, but it never got this far.

"Keith, leave me alon- get out my way." She tried to push him out the way, but he threw her onto the bed, making her hit her head against the headboard. She passed out from the wood hitting her skull and Keith left her there.

When Y/n woke up from this, she called the police and reported him. The judge sentenced him 3 years in the Ohio Correctional Institution for a case of domestic violence .


Pulling up to the Ohio jail house , Y/n sat in her seat, letting her thoughts sink in. Today was the day her boyfriend was going to be released. The two talked everything out but Y/n didn't know for sure if he's really bound to change. She took him back because they've been through everything together. Her family labeled her stupid for doing this, but she didn't care. She loved her man and if he put His hands on her again , they were done.

"Here goes." She shrugged and got down, walking pass the guard who checked her and arriving in the small lobby. She waited for about 15 minutes until she went to go outside. She thought it would be best to wait outside. Too many creepy men to just sit there and wait for Keith.

"Get up , Powers. You're going home." Keith was ecstatic at those words. He quickly got out the cold steel bed , groaning at the back breaking experience. It was finally time for him to go home after all the nasty ass food, just all together he was tired of being around just niggas. He scratched his beard, seeing dandruff fall from it. At this point, Keith looked like a Neanderthal held hostage. He couldn't wait to go home , take a nice hot bath , eat a nice meal and lay beside Y/n. These thoughts made his heart thump, meaning he was happy.

"Finally." He whispered to himself as he exited the cell. The guard walked behind him as his handcuffs stuck to wrists with slight pain. He appeared in the small lobby, them handing him a bag where his regular clothes were 3 years ago. He quickly took off the highlighted jumpsuit, putting on his other wardrobe. They felt a little big, but at least he was getting out of there.

Y/n sat on the hood of her car, scrolling through Snapchat. She shrugged and looked around but still no Keith. She got back onto her device to save time of this long wait.

Keith walked out into the parking lot, seeing Y/n's car. He saw how she was so busy on her phone and crept up behind her. He felt stupid and bad for what he did to her. He could've killed her which would result in not only life in prison, but losing the person he loved most.

"You miss me?" Keith saw his girlfriend jump a little, seeing her turn around, quickly pouncing on him.

"Babyyyy! I miss you so much!!!!" She kissed all over his face,which held shabby facial hair grabbing his manly jaws. He laughed into the kiss, returning some love to her. She stopped for a second, making eye contact.

"I love you , Keith. I'm so glad you're out of there." She hugged onto his neck, taking in the old scent of the baggy clothes he wore years earlier. A tear fell from her eye as she felt complete for the first time in years. She went to visit Keith many of times, but she couldn't physically touch or come in contact with him like she would want to.

"Hey, don't cry, Y/n. I love you too, babe." She nodded and sniffed, getting down from his chest. The two made their way inside the car, holding hands the whole way home. The whole ride, Keith admired his girlfriend's beauty. Her hair had grew over the years and her breasts grew. He wonder out of all things if she had ever messed around with another man while he was away.

"Y/n, can I ask you something?" He approached her as they paused at a red light. She nodded and looked in his direction, giving all her attention to Keith.

"Did you cheat on me?" Her orbs became dull and wider as she grabbed his hand. He looked down at the gesture confused.

"Keith, I thought about doing it to be honest with you, but I would never take a leap too far and do that. I love you too much for that." She gave him a reassuring smile, nodding his way. He knew she wouldn't do it but it could've been an emergency possibility.

"Mm." He shook his head, giving her a kiss. The make out session got heated, making the two forget they were at a red light.

"Stop fucking smooching, and drive!" They heard honks from other cars behind them.

"Aww, fuck you!" Keith laughed at his girlfriend as she stuck her middle finger, pulling off.

Yep, same Y/n.

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