4· her wants 🔹

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"Come on, Kenedi! You're gonna be late with your dad!" Y/n yelled from the bathroom, putting her products back in the cabinet.

"Ready, mommy." Kenedi appeared in the doorway, her sweater, jeans and ugg boots. She looked so adorable.

"Look how cute you are." This would be the time to say she definitely took something from Y/n; her style. Everything else, Keith owned it.

"Thanks, mommy. Can we go now? Gamma promised to make me cookies if we wo' thewe eary." She smiled , turning her light off, grabbing Kenedi's hand.

"Sure thing pumpkin." Grabbing her backpack, it was filled with her weekend clothes and afternoon snacks, plus her vitamin gummies.

"Let's go, mini me."

"You're not allowed to call me that, only daddy calls me that." She sat her daughter in the booster seat, buckling her in.

"Well, let's go. Ken." She smiled with her 2 front teeth missing. Closing the door, she made sure everything was in place, pulling out the driveway.

"Look. Go to daddy." Kenedi jumped out the car, running to Keith.

"Daddy!" She stretched her arms out, wrapping them around his wide neck. Keith gave Kenedi the world, including anything she wanted.

"I miss you so much pumpkin!" His lips planted quick kisses all around her face and neck. Kenedi giggled hard, dropping from his arms. Most people would say it looked like Keith spit her out and took Y/n's hair.

"Daddy, we still going to gamma?"

"Of course we are. She has a treat for you." Kenedi gasped, getting excited.

"Cookies !" Keith smiled at his mini me. Y/n handed him her weekend backpack.

"You can come in for a while."

"Mommy, let me show you the doll set daddy got me!" Kenedi was so hyper when she was Keith.

"Uhm, sure baby." Y/n followed Kenedi as she pulled her hands, almost tripping on the stairs.

"Look, mommy! Her name is Ebony, her name is Kylan, and her name is Jennifer."

"They're beautiful."

"Just like you mama."

"No, just like you." She grabbed Kenedi, placing loving kisses over her face. She was cut off by hearing a throat clear.

"Can, can I talk to you for a minute? Kenedi play with your dolls until I come back." The little girl nodded, walking inside her dollhouse.


"Ken-" Their daughter was watching out the window of her play house. Keith left a crack in the door.

"Christmas is coming up."

"I know."

"I bought her gifts already but she still wants something else."

"What is that?"

"A brother." Y/n let a laugh out, holding onto her stomach. Keith stood there, eyeing her down.

"Kenedi always talks out her head, ignore it."

"Well, I'm not gonna ignore what my daughter wants, you shouldn't either."

"First off, we're not together, we had one child and you decided to move on, that's all there is to it. I love you Kenedi, have fun with your dad this weekend."

"Love you too mommy."

"Bye Keith."

"Bye Y/n."  Exiting his house, she thought about how fun it would be with another baby around, and Kenedi wouldn't be so lonely.

"This crazy." Closing the car door, Y/n pulled out his driveway.

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