39· enough 🔹

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"Keith, I can't keep doing this. What about your wife?" Y/n pushed Keith off of her , making him land on the left side of the bed. Keith and Y/n have been messing around for a good 5 months , but Y/n felt wrong for everything they've done.

Keith sucked his teeth , glaring at Y/n. "Man, come on , Y/n. We can't stop now. We been doing this for how long? 4 months?" She nodded, rolling her gray eyes. He saw her attitude and sighed , getting out the king size bed.

"I don't care how long we been doing it, I'm not about to continue to have sex with you, Keith. Its not right. I specifically told you the other day. If I can't have ALL of you, I don't want any of you." She got up from her bed, making her way to the bathroom, wrapping herself in the thin sheet.

He followed behind her, cupping his arms around her frame. She looked at him through the mirror, putting her eyes back down. He knew she loved him with everything in her. She would do anything for this man , but he had to do the same if she wanted his support 100%.

"Love you." Y/n turned towards him, making eye contact. She glared into his pupils, seeing his brown orbs twitch. No, he doesn't.

"No, you don't. You just love the sex. Now get out." He stood there speaking in his high voice. When his voice goes high , he's lying. When you love someone, you know them more then they know themselves.

"I don't care. Go back to your wife and love her. Now go."

"Bab-" Y/n cut him off pointing her finger towards the bedroom.

"Go!" Keith went back to the bedroom and grabbed his clothes, stomping downstairs. Y/n waited til she heard the front door close until she went back to her bedroom. She sighed and broke down crying. Never in a million years would Y/n think she'd be a side chick. She promised to save herself for her future husband, but Keith took her innocence.

"Fuck him!" Her blood began to boil at the thought of his name. Getting up from the bed, Y/n grabbed her phone, calling her best friend, Keisha. After their conversation, Y/n took a shower, then getting dressed. She made her way to the car, driving off to the mall.

Y/n walked towards the food court, chowing down on some pretzels, scrolling down her device.

"Read much?" She turned around to see Keisha with another woman standing next to her. She smiled at both them, giving Keisha a hug.

"Y/n, this is Drew Powers. Drew, this is Y/n, my best friend. She'll be shopping with us today." Y/n's heart dropped at her last name. No way in hell it was his sister. This woman was his wife!

"I gotta go! I'll talk to you tomorrow. Excuse me please." Y/n quickly walked out the mall, leaving Keisha and Drew confused. The two just shrugged and began shopping, while Y/n made her way back home. She unlocked her house, going straight to her room.

Y/n felt a cramp in her lower stomach, quickly grabbing it. She pulled down her panties, sitting on the toilet, thinking it was her cycle. Wiping herself, no blood. No sign of blood. Matter of fact-

"Omg." She covered her mouth, realizing she was late. She sat on the toilet, rubbing her tummy. Her head held low as so many thoughts ran through her head.

"I can't be."

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