Cheating- chapter 2

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What am i suppose to do now with a cheating boyfriend...

At this point my vision was so blurry, i was so light headed, all i could see was Justin rushing around me trying to get me up to go to th hospital, in that moment as soon as i stood up.... i blacked out

Justin POV

there was no response, i was flooding in tears my eyes we're all puffy, this can't be happening, why did i have to make a mistake & cheat


i quickly carried her bridle style to my car and we drove off

****At the hospital****

"SOMEONE HELP I NEED HELP!!!!" i screamed
nurses at the front desk ran right over, then two other doctors came from behind & took Y/N from my arms and took her.

from that point on the nurses were trying to calm me down, i waited for the longest 4 hours of my life until a doctor came to me

Doctor:"Hello, are you Mr Bieber?"

Me:"Yes yes i am, where is she, where is my girl" i screamed in a panic,

Doctor:"Calm down she's fine, she's just woken up, but she has some pretty bad cut on her waist so we had to stitch that up for her, but you may follow me to see her"

All i could do was nod, i walked over very nervously to Y/N, she looks so innicent, so peaceful, she finally made eye contact with me,

y/n POV

My eyes adjusted to the strong light, where was I? i saw a doctor smiling at me but my waist was hurting like hell!

Doctor:"Hello you must be Y/N, Justin will be coming here in a few moments" he smiled

i just gazed at him with a confused face

Justin walked right in, his eyes were so red & puffy, his hair was so messy, he looked so hurt, I had just realized why i was in this position & why i suddenly had a rush of anger in my body, Justin cheated. In OUR bed.

Justins POV

A tear escaped from my eye, this was never meant to happen, we would of happily been at hope watching a movie or something, but no.I had to ruin it.

"H-Hey" was all i manged to say, she looked at me with such hate written all over her face.

"I-im so sorry I-" she interrupted

Y/N:"Why Justin? why would you ever do this to me? you physically hurt me inside & out!"

"I know, I don't know what i was thinking...I just, i don't want to lose you y/n! please i really mean it..." i was screaming my heart with tears.The Struggling to even talk properly


"I, i just" i couldn't finish my sentence, He came over to me a wrapped his arms around me, i felt so safe, yet so hurt.

the doctor had come into the room & had told me i was ready to leave.

Me & Justin walked out of the hospital slowly because of my stitches but awkwardly, i hopped into his car and we drove him, the car journey was very silent

Justin:" I hate this"

Me:"Hate what?"

Justin:"This! why can't we talk, i-i messed up big time but.."

me:"But what? yes you did mess up and i need to get my head round this, its hard enough to even look into your eyes let alone talk to you"

what did i just say! i regretted it so much, i love him with all my heart, but he hurt me, i had to let him know!
with that being said, we finally arrived home!

i walked into this huge house, I walked straight up to our room, completely forgetting that Justin fucked someone in there, as soon as i got there i couldn't believe my eyes...

"JUSTIN!!!!!!" I screamed

Hey guys so how you enjoying the book so far remember it's not my book. comment on what you think of the story so far

From Jemma

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