Chapter 7

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Just then Justin stepped down from the stairs, i looked at him in complete shock, a tear escaped my eye,
"JuJu!! Baby! so, you wanna come with me and we can go check the sex of our baby?" she smirked

she pushed me harshly to the side and rapped her polished finger nails around hes neck, this literally felt like a knife stabbing into my heart.

Justin:"what..what did you just say?" he asked nervously pushing her off him, obviously heard what this slut had said, but couldn't let this sink in.

girl:"your gonna be daddy Justin! were having a baby!"

Justin:"No No, this, this can't be, i need proof, I-i don't believe you..." he tried to defend himself.

y/n:"Why are you doing this... I-i fucking hate you!" just before i walked back inside I heard that bitches voice "Haha, hes all mine now" she winked at me

i launched right at her and punched her in her face, she fell to the ground, i was so close to jumping onto her.But i was stopped by Justin."JUSTIN WHAT THE FUCK GET OFF!!" i screamed

Girl:"Hahaha this is hilarious..Justin just tell this sicko bitch, your coming with me" i was fuming! i would have just killed her right there and then if i could.

Justin:"FUCK OFF" he screamed at her

The slut walked back to her car & drove off, Justin took my hand and went inside with me


I was in complete shock...i was just standing near the door, Justin was now sat down, i could feel hes eyes on me, i just kept my focus on the floor

I didn't want to give him any eye contact at all, it hurt me so bad just knowing he was there

he came towards me and put hes fingers under my chin so i could look stright into hes eyes, hes lips were coming closer and closer until i felt hes pair of lips onto mine, i didn't kiss back at all...he was in alot of shock "Baby?" my started to kiss my neck...i know where this is going...

"Jump" Justin said, I obeyed and did, i had my legs wrapped around hes waist and we headed up stairs, He layed my down on the bed very gently and continued.

we were both soon naked & were at it right away, he slid himself into me, I gasped he was so big i still wasent used to him!

y/n:"Justin ohhh"

Justin:"Mmmm baby you like that? your so" he breathed out

y/n:"Ahhh fast faster yesss" he was going so hard and fast by now


Justin:"Me to baby ahhhhh shit"

we both finally came and were panting heavily, we were both lying down completely out of breathe, "I love no that right?" Justin said in an innocent voice. I dident reply, "Baby, you know that don't you?" I still remained silent i love him so so much more then anything! but he hurt me, i'm still hurting so bad

he sighed loudly and soon after that, we both fell asleep in each others arms


Justins POV

I woke up to a beautiful morning, it was so lovely & sunny outside, i looked next to me to see my girlfriend, she so so beautiful inside & out, i love her with all my heart, I'm such a lucky guy i have to say! but i hurt her, i hurt her so bad.

i looked over to see a text from an unknown number?


"Meet me in Starbucks at 1pm, i need to chat with you. Its urgent. its about the baby."


without waking y/n I got ready & quickly wrote a note, Just in case it is my baby...i quickly decided to write y/n a letter

y/n POV

i woke up the sun was shining through the windows, i felt so relaxed and happy, until yesterdays imagine came to me...i just struggled it off, i looked beside me but Justin wasent there? i got up and quickly to see a letter on our bed side table...

"To y/n...right i know this is kinda cheesy but i had to be done...i love you so much i hope you know that,you were sleeping so i didn't wanna wake you but, I'm going to go meet that girl at 1pm...she needs to discuss about the baby, im positive its not mine.Your my everything, you make me laugh, smile, i hate you so much at times, but love beats it all!
i want you to know that your my diamond, i need to keep you safe, your so precious to me. this girl. she means nothing to me, i made a huge mistake but i love you y/n, i really do. i'm in tears whilst i write this. I love you, I will soon be home hopefully if the baby is not mine. love you.

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