Chapter 25

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"Congratulations! Your pregnant!"

My jaw dropped..I didn't know how to react, my and the doctor made eye contact for quite sometime, then i slowly looked over to see Ryan as shocked as i was. "Well i'll leave you both, Justin told us to ring him as soon as you wake you, would you like us to tell him the big news?"

"N-no...i'll tell him" i smiled

Ryan:"Wow..."He smiled

y/n:"I-i'm not ready for this..." i said whispering weakly.

after about 20 minutes in the hospital getting my head round the fact that I was pregnant! Me & Ryan finally left & made our way home. I had know idea how i was gonna explain this to Justin..I guess u'm just gonna have to hide it from him until it's to big to miss.

Ryan:"Well..i gotta go but call me if you need any-"

y/n:"No i'll come too, But do NOT tell Justin no matter what that i'm pregnant" i smiled

Ryan:"Okay i promise" He smiled putting he's pincky out for me to shake, which made me giggle. I ran upstairs to go pack my bags. After about 1 hour of having no idea what to bring along with me, i was finally ready!

Ryan drove us to the airport and we got onto one of Justin's private Jet's there was a few beliebers we greeted there, then we got on the plane & it took off! Me & Ryan were just catching up with each other, i seriously love him like a brother he's so sweet, i did make a mistake to sleep with him but it's like we've all completely moved on from that!

When we arrived we took a taxi to the Arena for the concert which was next up! We finally saw Justin's tour buses all lined up, i bolted for the bus door and yelled "SURPRISE!" as soon as i stepped inside, all the crews head turned facing my direction and they all squealed in excitement. and got up ready to hug me

"OMG Y/N!! YOUR HERE! Justin is gonna be so Happy!!" Fredo screamed which made us all laugh

"Haha, I missed you guys already! where's Justin now anyway?" I questioned

"Rehearsing, go surprise him" Scooter smiled.

I walked over with Fredo leading me the way to the stage, i finally saw Justin! But he seemed a little busy...He was talking to a girl about 19, she was very pretty i guess...then it hit me! it was the girl who he was kissing in the papers a little while ago!

Fredo coughed which caught there attention, "Y/N!" Justin screamed running to my direction, i smiled at him and he picked me up and spun me round which made me laugh "I missed you so much!" he kissed me, i could see the girl from the coroner of my eye rolling her eyes, what a bitch.

"y/n this is Stella" he smiled, i put my hand out for her to shake but she looked at me in disgust so i slowly put my hand down, "Nice to meet you" i said and she completely ignored me.

I started to get umberable pains in my stomach, i felt a little light headed and quickly gripped onto Fredos shoulder "Wow y/n are you okay baby?" Justin questioned, i shook my head and Justin carried me back to the buses and layed me down onto the bed. He was stroking a just fiddling with my hair which he new i loved.

"Justin! you need to go get dressed!" Scooter shouted from outside, Justin gave me a 'Whatever' look and kissed me on my head. "I'll go get Ryan to stay with you" and with that said he left.

As soon as Ryan walked in, Ted came into my head..What happens if it's Ted's baby and not Justin's? "Ryan i'm so scared" i said feeling tears roll down my cheeks.

He ran over to me and put he's arm round me. "About what sweetie?"

y/n:"W-what happens if it's not Justin's..." i sobbed quietly. He sighed loudly and gripped onto me tighter. i sobbed into he's chest as we both relaxed together on the bed.

I woke up to see know one around me, I checked my phone to see that it was 11pm which means Justin's finished he's show. I got up and walked on the bus which seemed to be empty. i heard some loud laughter coming from the other buses so i made my way to them!

As soon as i stepped in i saw Stella on Justin's lap with all he's dancers around laughing there heads of, Ryan saw me right away and kinda nudged Justin to see that I was standing right there.

Justin:"Oh y/n!" Justin said in surprise, he quickly got Stella of he's lap and stood up. there was a extremely awkward silents, we all looked at each other a little confused.

Justin:"Are you feeling better?" Justin cracked the silence, i nodded in response and slowly but surly walked back into the other bus. Why was Stella on he's lap!? i thought.

Justin ran after me and we were soon after in the room i was sleeping in, "Y/n are you okay?" "Leave me ALONE!" i yelled at him not meaning to and jumped into my bed and cried quietly, i felt so jealous!

When i heard Justin's feet leave the bus, i texted Ryan immediately to come to the tour bus. and within minutes he came running in. All i was thinking of is if the baby isent Justin's....

Ryan:"Hey" He breathed out as if he was running

y/n:"Ryan...Can we go get a test done now, I'm just really worried"

Ryan:"Sure! But what are we gonna tell Justin and it's about 11pm now"

Y/n:"I don't care about the time, we will tell him...i'm meeting a friend or something!" i said whilst i put on my jacket and shoes.

We soon left the bus and took a taxi to the nearest hospital, when we arrived we asked to get a DNA test asap, they took Ryan's samples & mine to test...

after about 2 hours which felt like the most endless wait of my life! the nurses finally came in and said...

"Hello, you must be y/n! We have your results in I can confirm that....

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