Chapter 44

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The whole room fell silent until my mum stretched out "WHAT!?" Zack has never looked so scared in he's whole life, I felt my stomach turning not knowing what to do or say...

I gave Justin a look to why he'd ever say that! he knows this is gonna cause even move fucking problems. "Fuck sake Justin!" I said loudly which echoed the room.

"I-is this true?" My dad asked nervously, he's eyes looked as if they were going to pop out he's head! I nodded slightly not knowing there reaction. My mum fell down onto her knees crying.

"Mum i-its fine" I weakly smiled at her wrapping my arm around her shoulder. "No it's not! You were kidnapper and you never told me!" she screamed into my face which made me back away from her...

Justin got up slowly off Zack, which he was still left on the floor covering he's mouth as well as the rest of the family.

Justin's POV

"L-let's go" Y/n cried running out of the house, Before I left the door I looked over at everyone which they were still in the position to when those words left my mouth. I slowly walked out until y/n's dad yanked my shoulder backwards lightly

"She needs some space kid...her mum is gonna be devastated for a while...I will call you guys in about 1 hour to check up on y/n, look after her" He said with a tear in he's eye.

"She's gonna be fine Sir, I'll bring her round as soon as she's ready to explain this all to you" I smiled at him patting him on the back until i walked over to the car. y/n had her knees up to her chest with her head hanging low...

"How could you! Argh i hate you so much sometimes!" She screamed into my face, "I had no choice! what do you expect me to do?" I yelled and started the engine and drove back home.

After about 10 minutes of driving y/n spoke up."Stop the car." i ignored her
"Stop this fucking CAR!" she yelled trying to open the door whilst i was driving. I immediately stopped on the side of the road. she jumped out the car and sick over the side walk.

I immediately got out checking on her, even if it was totally gross! "Are you okay?" I said patting and rubbing her back slightly. "I'M FINE! Fuck off" she screamed which made me so confused?

"Listen don't you fucking take this out on me!" "Whatever" she said and jumped back into the car which drove me more insane."Why are you so snappy? I just came back off tour and you are treating me like SHIT" i sighed beginning to drive again.

she had her head facing the window completely blocking me out. "y/n!" "What!" she screamed at me. "Are you pregnant?" I asked her a little curious to why she was so snappy and was sick literally minutes ago.

"No! I ate some bad big deal!" i focused on the round until we arrived back home, I got out and unlocked the entry door and we both walked in.

She pushed past me. "What the f-" then i saw her running into the bath room. I ran after her but she locked the door, All i heard was y/n being sick over the toilet.
"y/n open up" I asked then i heard her tooth brush going off...

well after about 5 minutes she came out looking a little better then earlier on, she kicked off her shoes and ran up stairs into our room.

I stayed down stairs for a while to watch some comedy's or something, but something was telling me that y/n wasent okay...

after about 10 minutes just checking through my twitter & talking to as many beliebers as possible i made my way upstairs.

"Baby?" i whispered quietly opening the door to reveal y/n sound asleep, I walked over to her and kissed her on her head and began to undress for bed. I made my way to the bed and jumped in feeling the heat from y/n's body.

I curled up closely to y/n kissing her neck and resting my head onto the pillow near her, I tried to get to sleep but i heard small little cries coming from her. "Y/n? baby?" i rubbed her shoulder.

y/n's POV

I was so scared...How was i gonna explain this to Justin. "Y/n?" he shock my shoulder slightly. "J-Justin i'm so scared" I whimpered curling up to he's chest while we were both sat up.

"Of what? i'm here to protect you!" Justin's innocent voice in a sarcastic voice making it harder for me to tell him.

"No J-justin i'm serious..." I breathed out, my hands were trembling i was so nervous to say this.

"Then what is it honey?" he asked making me melt inside.

"I-I've missed my period...And i was sick twice...what if i'm.....

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