Chapter 24

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"Oh shit" i cussed under my breathe and ran into the restroom to see y/n on the floor,we poured a lot of water over her face but she didn't seem to get up or anything!

"SCOOTER! WE NEED TO GET HER TO A HOSPITAL!" i yelled, he came in and i never saw him so shocked.

I carried her quickly with all the crew running with us, i didn't give a fuck about the paparazzi taking photos! I was concentrated in getting y/n to a hospital. I was so worried she's been acting so wired lately!




that's really all I heard from the paparazzi, they seriously have know life, if y/n wasent in my arms i would have really had a go at them!

"Kid i'm coming with you" scooter said and we placed y/n at the back with scooter and i drove as fast as i could. The crew were also following us from behind but i couldn't think straight!

"SOMEONE WE NEED HELP!" I screamed whilst we all ran into the hospital, a bunch of nurses took y/n from my arms and placed her on a hospital bed a took her away from me. "Scooter do you think you'll be okay?" whilst tears were falling down my face.

Scooter:"Of coarse she is!" he smiled at me, All i wanted to do was run into the room and hold her hand tight whilst they check her but that was not possible..

Scooter:"Justin the flight is in 2 hours time, if we leave now you'll JUST make it!"

Justin:"What?! no way am i leaving y/n!"

Scooter:"You don't wanna let your beliebers down..beside she's gonna be fine Justin! You either go now with us, or we cancel the show.."

Justin:"But that's not f-"

Scooter:"No buts! leave with us now, or we cancel the show." he asked really strictly

Justin:"L-lets go" it killed me inside, i didn't want to leave her but she;ll be fine i hope. I ran over to the nurses which we outside y/n's room and told them to look after her and to call me as soon as she wakes up, the agreed and i left the hospital feeling so guilty...

Scooter:"Cheer up kid, shes-"

Justin:"How the fuck am i supposed to cheer up when i had to LEAVE HER ON HER OWN IN THIS FUCKING HOSPITAL!" i yelled which caught them all of guard.

Ryan:"Hey bro, i'll stay with her... you go i'll come as soon as the doctor tell's use whats up with her" I felt so revealed

Justin:"Are you serious?" i gave him a weak smile, he nodded and i hugged him so tight

Ryan:"haha it's fine bro" with that said we all left and we saw Ryan walk into the hospital alone.

y/n POV

I woke up to a blinding light right in my eyes, I shut my eyes immediately then slowly fluttered them open to see nurses around me. I looked at my wrist to see needles on my wrist, I completely freaked out

"JUSTIN! where am I! Justin!" i yelled trying to get up but the nurses ran to my side to calm me down, i had tears running down my eyes, where was I?

"y/n it's okay! you passed out earlier on, we just needed to run a few tests on you but your fine. A young man is outside waiting for you, would you like him to come in?"

Y/n:"I-is it Justin?"

Nurses:"No dear, it's Ryan" I nodded slightly and within seconds Ryan to my side, i sat up and hugged him not letting go.

y/n:"I-i'm scared" i sobbed

Ryan:"Aww don't be, your fine don't worry" he smiled at me.

y/n:"Wheres Justin?"

Ryan:"He..he had to leave..he was so heart broken he was crying, he was so worried for you, you know that..." he looked at me with hurt eyes.He started to dial he's number i could tell, and he gave the the phone.

Justin's POV

I'mm so happy Ryan is there with y/n. I just hope she's okay, I got a phone call from Ryan which i picked up right away thinking it would be some new on how y/n was.

Justin:"Hello Ryan! is she okay?! has she-"

y/n:"Hey Justin"

Justin:"OMG Y/N!" i heard her giggle through the phone "I'm so happy your okay! i miss you so much i'm sorry i had to leave"

y/n:"No it's fine, i miss you already" I could tell she was hurt by this but..she's always welcome to fly over! I could hear some whispering in the back round.

y/n:"Justin i need to go, the doctors here... i'll speak to you later i love you!"

Justin:"okay, I love you too!" I said and that second she hanged up the phone.

y/n POV

Whilst i was talking to Justin, the doctor interrupted us, he said he had to tell us some news...

"Okay so y/n, we took a few small tests and your blood levels are gone a little funny? But that's nothing to worry about! we have one last test." he smiled, we showed me a long tube which first of all i got a little confused but then realized what it could be for...

"Come right this way" the doctor smiled and leaded me to the restroom, I started to shake once i got into the cubical, what happens if i am pregnant?Justin's gonna leave me i know he will! i'm gonna ruin he's career, i thought to myself, tears were burning my eyes, i was so frightened!

After i finished pissing in the tube i handed it over to the doctor and got back into my hospital bed whilst Ryan was a little nervous about hearing the news.

after a few moments the doctor came back in with a huge smile on he's face

"Congratulations! Your pregnant!"

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