Chapter 38

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"when the officers arrived there was know sign of her, there was a trace of blood which we are trying to investigate. it was only a little blood which was found where her phone was left behind..."

"Justin...." I heard my name being called, me & the officer were making eye contact until my eyes were over loaded with tears. How could this be happening...

"Kid let's go, there gonna try and find-" Scooter tried to say before i interupted him. "NO! I'm fucking staying here until we find news of y/n!" i screamed into he's face standing up now with so much anger.

"Justin we are trying our best be patient-" "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU! Are you being serious? anything could have happened to her! how the fuck can i be patience!" i screamed letting them know the anger inside me.

A few police officers came over and pulled me out of the room before i hurt anyone, I was in so much shock...

i sat down at the waiting room with my face in my hands thinking though all the negative things which I hated to do but, let's be honest, she could seriously be anywhere in the world right now.

y/n POV

After waiting around just sitting on the floor trying to work out how to escape, I walked over to the Window the find myself looking over at a very scary looking filed, the window wasent high at all!

I looked around the room to try and find something to smash it with, I got hold of a cologne bottle in Ted's suitcase and luckily smashed the window.

I squashed through trying to not hit onto any of the glass but it was impossible, it was scrapping against my skin which caused it to bleed, A lot!

I was whimpering in pain until i finally landed flat down onto my bum, it hurt like hell, it made me feel numb but i guess this is the only way. I started to run around the back of the house until...Ted's voice rang into my ear.

"Hmm...yours pretty smart!" he evilly laughed.

I was slowly stepping backwards but he got a hold of me and threw me onto he's back. "Get OFF ME!" i screamed punching he's back. I tried to look around for where we are but it wasent familiar at all.

When we got in he soon threw me onto a bed in another empty gull room, I screamed as i was so frightened, he looked at me again "Okay bitch, I'm having a house party, you have to entertain my guests so i have a little something for you"

he winked over throwing a Victoria secret bag. I looked inside nervously until i saw the most sluttiest lingerie I've ever layed eyes on!

"No! Listen Ted, please let me go home" i begged yet again but he gave a a death look and grabbed my top as if he was about to strangle me.

"You gotta get used to this life as your never going back" he whispered breathing into my ear, I pushed him back away from me then i felt a sharp pain hit my cheek, i winced in pain and held it.

"You will learn BITCH! if your not dressed in that outfit by 11pm then you'll get a punishment and i think you know what i mean" He left the room leaving me on my own on the bed, I wonder why he tricked me with those girls earlier on?

I had a little nap which i cried myself to sleep until i was woken up by loud music coming downstairs, then my stomach started rumbling, I was pretty hungry too...

I looked over to see a small clock above the door it was 10pm, wow i must of slept for a while then?! I heard the door being opened & closed many times, i heard laughter. and a lot of talking. I was absolutely dreading the entertainment i'd have to do...

"ARE YOU READY?" A voice shouting from downstairs, my heart started to beat uncontrollably until i heard the door swing open. I started to quickly getting dressed in front of Ted, I was going bright red!

He was smirking & liking he's lips, he must be pretty wasted. Any way as soon as i got dressed i literally felt like a fucking stripper.

y/n:"T-ted i can't...."i shock my head looking down.

Ted:"Hmm...your doing it, I-i got you some things you gotta use or else" he left the room with a plan black small bag, i looked inside to see used foundation, mascaras, eye liners, eye shadows...

I started to apply those all on making my self look pretty hot but I was really frightened to death! I emptied the bag completely until to find some blush but i soon came across a phone! immediately started to dial he's number.

Justin's POV

It soon was about 4 hours just waiting around for some type of news to pop up, but there was absolutely nothing...My phone started buzzing, my heart was pumping so fast.

Then I saw it was a number i'd never come across, i lazily hung up not wanting to deal with any work at the moment.

y/n POV

"Arghhh come on Justin! pick up" i cursed under my breathe, then the door started to bang and Ted was screaming my name to come down....

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