Chapter 14

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Justin:"Well fuck. we are screwed"

y/n:"Justin! what are we gonna do?!" i whispered

Justin:"Well...i dunno" he chuckled

y/n:"Justin! this isent funny!"

Justin:"Okay Okay! let's ermmm...i said it once, and i'm gonna say it again, we are screwed" He laughed out. We both quickly got dressed and the security were already trying to pic at the lock, they looked at us in a disgust face..."You both are BANNED from this mall" this very large women screamed in our faces, to be honest...there's alot of Malls around here so didn't bother me.

As soon as we were out of the mall Justin's phone kept ringing over & over continuously "Are you not gonna answer?" I questioned him, "Naaa I'm spending time with you! The phone call can wait" I just nodded to him and pecked his lips.

We went straight home but whilst we were driving, Justin's phone began to vibrate in hes pocket again, it must of been for about the 5th time in a row! "Justin just pick up the phone seriously! and who is it?" "I dunno...unknown number i think" he trailed hes words of, I was getting pretty curious by now but decided to drop that subject. When we walked in Justin told me to get ready right away so i ran upstairs and put on my brand new dress i'd bought from the mall today!

We were both finally ready to leave! I had my new white Minnie dress on, some black wedge heels, my makeup would defiantly catch alot of attention i'm sure, and hair was down usual, in curls. I walked down the stairs to see Justin waiting for me " look gorgeous" he was eyeing me top to bottom which made me blush "You don't look to bad yourself!" i said "Ohhhh!! someones blushing!" he teaed me, "Oh shut up" i rolled my eyes giggling at him. Soon after we both walked into Justins white farrier car and drove off.

As Justin was pulling up by the doors of a absolutely stunning restaurant, there were paparazzi. The terrified me so much! that's a bad thing with dating the worlds biggest pop star! Justin knew i was never comfortable around them so he quickly called he's security to come.

within minutes a few security from the restaurant ran out to our car and ran me & Justin in blocking all the paps from snapping photos. As soon as we walked in all eyes were on us, i had not paid alot of attention to them after such a breath taking place we were in! it literally looked like we were surrounded by solid gold! it was beautiful...

We both sat down, As soon as Justin put hes phone down, it started ring, he quickly put it back into hes pocket, he looked really nervous "Justin are you okay?" "What..yeah yeah i'm fine!" he smiled, i could tell he was up to something!

Justin's POV

Okay so I've been getting so many calls today which has got y/n EXTREMELY suspicious, It's a girl i'm friends with who i met at one of my music videos, she was doing the hair & makeup for 'wait for a minute' thing led to another and we ended up fucking at her was about 3 months ago, and one thing, its NOT unknown number, it says Jessie but i quickly cover it before y/n can get a hold of my phone.

a waitress came over and took our orders, so we just sat there silently, i was nervous for y/n finding out. Just then a different waitress came jaw dropped...out of everyone in the world, i did NOT expect it to be Jessie.

y/n POV

A waitress came towards us, she looked pretty excited and then she blurted out "OMG Justin! I've been trying to ring you for ages!" Justin dident know what to say he just smiled at her, i smiled at her too!

Justin:"Ye-yeah sorry i was kinda busy, y/n, this Jessie" I shock her hand

Jessie:"Nice to meet you!" "Nice to meet you too" i said with a smile

Jessie:"Justin does she know?" I could clearly hear her whisper into hes ear

y/n:"know what?" I laughed not having a clue to what she was on about!

Jessie:"I did makeup & hair for Justin's music video, But i think we got a little to excited with each other!" she giggled her boss called her so she quickly ran, i looked at Justin with a very confused face? what the hell does she mean that they got to excited?

Justin's POV

Wow...that was a close one, it was quite a while ago so i hopped it wouldn't come up with any conversation! we got up with our meal, y/n was awfully quite

Justin:"Y/n are you okay?"

y/n:"Yeah of coarse i am" she said through her gritted teeth, she was angry i could tell.

y/m:" got a little to excited with that girl then?" she questioned me with a serious look.

Justin:"What? No i dunno what your on about"

y/n:"You know exactly what i'm on about! she shouted but quietly, i looked and her, she looked upset, "So..." i said swirling my food around the plate, she hadent touched anything from her plate, "Are you gonna eat?"

y/n:"I'm going, she got up quickly, i ran after her and we both went outside the back entrance so know paparazzi would get to us.


y/n:"What do you want!" she yelled

Justin:"give me a chance!"

y/n:"What? Justin you keep fucking screwing up! I've had enough!" she yelled, her vien was even popping out from her neck.

I pushed her into a close by ally way which was really dark, but i didn't give a fuck. I started to take of my clothes but she stopped me "WHAT THE FUCK JUSTIN! YOU CANT DO THIS! NOT HERE!" "I dont fucking care" we were both soon naked. we started fucking right away, she was moaning like CRAZY so i had to cover her mouth with my hand


I pulled onto her hair, i was fucking her from behind faster and faster, i was kissing her neck.

Justin:"I'm gonna fucking ahhh"


we were both so close to our climax until Y/N pulled out, and the pleaure vanished into thin air, "What the fuck y/n?"

y/n:"Make up sex dosent always work" she rolled her eyes and started dressing again and i copied her.

Justin:"Listen why do you have to be so jealous..."

y/n:"Me! Jealous?! go fuck some more girls..." I knew she didn't mean it, she was driving me insane she's always complaining!

y/n POV

I was about to get walk off to our car when Justin yanked my hand back, i looked at him with dead eyes, I wanted to kill him, It's literally been countless times that hes cheated and he needs to understand that i have fucking feelings too! "I hate you!" i screamed into hes face not really meaning it. "I hate you too" he said.

y/n:"all you do with your life is CHEAT! YOU KNOW WHAT? I THINK I'VE HAD IT WITH YOU! I'M SO DONE WITH-"

Justin:"You'll regret me"

y/n:"Fuck off" Justin pulled out hes phone a dilaed a number whislt hes hand was around my wrist not letting me go.

He spoke on the phone Justin: Hey Jessie, come meet me at the parking lot, my girlfriend is being a bitch, i need you so bad" Then shut the phone, My jaw literally dropped to the floor! tears we forming in my eyes.


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